Coronavirus: in New York, they recommend using two bars …


Authorities new York they recommended the use of two masks or face masks at least until June, when the amount of contagion is expected to drop amid the new wave of covid-19. They predict that at least five million people will be vaccinated by the middle of the year.

The mayor of the American city of New York, Bill de Blasio, asked that “don’t just take a mask”. “Take two. We may follow this recommendation for a while, depending on what happens, ”he added.

“By June, we want to reach the five million fully vaccinated New Yorkers and there we would consider changing the rules on masks,” said Blasio, concerned about new variants of the virus, which he called ” big risk factor “.

The recommendation to wear two masks instead of one would make the protection more effective. “(The mask) It is a physical blanket to prevent droplets and viruses from entering. If they have a physical blanket with one diaper and put another on top of it, it makes sense that this is probably more effective, ”said Anthony Fauci, who is the main culprit in the fight against the coronavirus in the United States. .

The United States is the country worst affected by the pandemic in global numbers, with 28,261,585 cases and 502,660 deaths, it became the first country to break through the barrier of half a million deaths. New York has already confirmed 1,604,892 infections and 47,037 deaths, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University.


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