Coronavirus in the United States: Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama will apply the vaccine on television


Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama have said they are ready to apply the Covid-19 vaccine live on TV, to help promote drug safety among the population.

Three of the last ex-president surprised by jointly announcing that would publicly display application of the vaccine once approved.

Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Bill Clinton have told CNN of their intentions, while former President Obama said in an interview that he may end up applying the antidote to Covid-19 on television as well.

Bush has even contacted members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Deborah Birx, to volunteer to encourage U.S. citizens to get vaccinated. The former chief of staff of the former president, Freddy Ford, assured CNN.

“First, vaccines must be considered safe and given to priority populations. Thus, President Bush will line up for yours, and he will gladly do it in front of the cameras, ”Ford said on the exit.

Clinton’s press secretary Angel Ureña said the 42nd president was also on board. “President Clinton definitely a vaccine will be administered as soon as it becomes available, according to priorities determined by public health officials, ”Ureña said.


“And it will do it in a public setting if it helps inspire all Americans to do the same,” he said. In an interview with SiriusXM host Joe Madison, broadcast today, Obama also pledged to accept the vaccine once it is deemed safe, according to CNN.

“I promise that when it’s done for people who are less at risk, I will, ”Obama said.

“I can end up bringing it to TV or to the shoot, just so people know I trust this science, and what I don’t trust is getting Covid,” said the Democrat who has governed twice, with Joe Biden as vice president.

The United States hopes to be able to vaccinate 20 million people against Covid-19 this month, already 100 million at the end of Februaryreported today one of the leaders of Operation Warp Speed ​​;; of the Trump administration.

If the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines get emergency approval soon, as they should soon, 20 million of the most vulnerable Americans could receive vaccines by the end of the year.

This was announced by Moncef Slaoui, scientific adviser to the Trump team’s operation against the coronavirus. 30 million more people they could receive injections in January, then 50 million more in February, possibly even more if other vaccine candidates are approved by then, added Slaoui, who was appointed by President Trump last May.

Source: ANSA



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