Coronavirus in the United States: California has requested its …


California State Epidemiologist, Erica Pan, He asked to suspend the application of more than 300,000 doses of the vaccine against the coronavirus developed by Moderna after several immunized people had to be treated in medical centers for multiple allergic reactions.

Pan insisted that use of Moderna’s 41L20A vaccine be halted until an investigation is completed by state officials as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration and the own laboratory.

“A higher than usual number of possible allergic reactions have been reported with a specific batch of Moderna vaccine given at a community vaccination clinic. Fewer than 10 people required medical attention in a 24 hour period,” he said. the bedside epidemiologist in a map.

California is one of the most infected states in the United States: in the past 24 hours, 31,617 people have been infected. According to a count from Johns Hopkins University, the west coast state was the first to exceed three million cases since the start of the pandemic.


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