Coronavirus: Interpol warns against mafias interest in vaccines


The various vaccines against the coronavirus could be counterfeit and / or stolen by gangs according to the orange alert issued by Interpol.  (Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko Jr / AP)

The various vaccines against the coronavirus could be counterfeit and / or stolen by gangs according to the orange alert issued by Interpol. (Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko Jr / AP)

Interpol today issued a message from alert its 194 countries members to prepare for an emergency due to possible criminal activity around vaccinations of the coronavirus, which could be exploited by the organized crime.

In Orange alert, the international police agency underlines the risk of counterfeiting, theft and illegal advertising Covid-19 vaccines, the distribution of which is expected in the coming weeks.

A risk that links “criminal behavior opportunistic and predatory “ which has already been detected around the pandemic.

That is why he insists that the identification of web pages who sell counterfeit products, as well as coordination between health agencies and law enforcement officials.

Secretary General Jürgen Stock stressed that as governments prepare to launch vaccines, “criminal organizations are planning to infiltrate or disrupt the supply chains “.

In addition to vaccines, Interpol estimates that tests the coronavirus will also be the target of a parallel production and distribution of unauthorized and counterfeit products after the international travel.

Jürgen Stock, general secretary of Interpol, has warned that gangs plan to infiltrate or disrupt coronavirus vaccine supply chains.  (AP)
Jürgen Stock, general secretary of Interpol, has warned that gangs plan to infiltrate or disrupt coronavirus vaccine supply chains. (AP)

Your warning message is also sent to Public, so that you are especially careful when logging in to find drugs and medical equipment.

In this regard, he refers to an analysis of his cybercrime unit in which it was found that 3,000 Of pharmacies suspected of selling illicit products, some 1,700 were using Internet fraud devices, particularly hacking and phishing programs.

The recommendation of the international police is to be vigilant, to be skeptical of offers that seem “too good to be true”, to consult national health authorities and to follow the advice of the World Health Organization (WHO ).

Another warning on organized crime

The mafias take advantage of times of crisis such as pandemic grow with usury or purchase of bankrupt businesses The state must therefore act quickly, according to what the prosecutor of the Italian city of Catanzaro, Nicola Gratteri, warned Thursday.

“The longer the state and the public administration delay in intervening (with responses to the crisis), the more likely it is that the mafias can buy everything for sale ”, explained during a telematic meeting with the foreign press in Italy.

Gratteri, prosecutor of the Catanzaro of Calabria and, therefore, a great connoisseur of the dynamics of the local mafia, the ‘Ndrangheta, one of the most prosperous and dangerous in the world, stressed that organized crime begins “with an advantage. “against the state in this context.

The prosecutor warned against the “crisis” situation of many entrepreneurs or freelancers who resort to usury or directly sell their businesses to avoid bankruptcy after closures imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.

“In this race, the mafias have an advantage because they do not have to respect certain protocols, they give money and buy. Whereas the state, in order to give money and aid to those in crisis, needs time to respect the protocols, ”he said.


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