Coronavirus: PAHO highlights decrease in infections in Argentina but warns due to increase in Covid-19 cases in Uruguay


The Pan American Health Organization (OPS) today reported on the continent’s current panorama regarding the coronavirus and pointed out that In most Andean countries infections have declined It is included, there was a sharp drop in Argentina.

The deputy director of the regional organization, Jarnas Barbosa, stressed that Brazil is experiencing a further increase in cases and deaths as a result of Covid-19, and that Uruguay it is experiencing outbreaks of the disease at its northern border.

Barbosa regretted that US continues with accelerating infections, with more than 1 million last week alone. During the same period, America reported nearly 1.5 million infections and 19,000 deaths from the coronavirus last week, Barbosa added.

Regarding the vaccination costs of 20% of Latin America and the Caribbean, PAHO used Covax projections to calculate that this would be over US $ 2 billion. And he clarified that with the Covax initiative, they could have 2 billion doses by the end of 2021, although that would not be enough to vaccinate everyone.



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