Coronavirus: Pfizer announced that its vaccine reached a …


The American laboratory Pfizer announced Wednesday that final clinical trial results show its coronavirus vaccine to be 95% effective. Just over a week ago, the company argued that the interim efficacy analysis reached 90%.

“Based on current projections, we plan to produce up to 50 million doses of vaccine globally in 2020 and up to 1.3 billion doses in 2021»Announced the North American laboratory and the German biotechnology company.

The vaccine showed 95% effectiveness from 28 days after the first dose, according to a statement from the company itself. According to the party, in this latest phase three evaluation, 170 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were identified, of which 162 were detected in the placebo group compared to 8 in those who received the vaccine. In total, more than 41,000 people have participated in this trial worldwide, including Argentina.

“Efficiency was consistent across age, gender, race and ethnicity,” said the company statement, which points out that “The efficacy observed in adults over 65 was over 94%.”

The pharmaceutical company had already announced on Tuesday that it was preparing to seek emergency approval of its vaccine as soon as possible. The company’s CEO, Albert Bourla, confirmed this in a forum hosted by The New York Times and another health-focused outlet STAT News.

“We are very close to requesting emergency authorization,” said the head of the pharmaceutical laboratory, who did not wish to give a precise date for this expected step.

Argentina is one of the places where the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine is being tested in its phase 3, under the coordination of Dr Fernando Polak. The American laboratory has already proposed to the Argentine government to deliver a shipment of one million doses in December.


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