Coronavirus: protests of Antiquity in Europe | AND…


Several European countries were the scene of protests over the weekend against restrictions imposed due to the pandemic, measures which can take months, German authorities say, as the virus continues to spread around the planet.

The pandemic has killed at least 1,313,471 since the virus broke out in China in December 2019, and more than 54 million people have contracted the disease.

Europe, with nearly 335,000 deaths and more than 14.4 million cases, is the region where the virus is progressing the fastest. To stop it, the authorities keep imposing new restrictions and they prepare people for a situation that could be long.

In Germany, where a partial lockdown has been in place for two weeks, Economy Minister Peter Altmaier warned on Sunday that the restrictions could last at least four or five more months.

Since the closure of bars, restaurants, gyms and other places of entertainment in early November, the number of new daily infections has been falling but remains high, with a record of more than 23,000 new cases recorded on Friday.

“We will have to live with considerable precautions and restrictions for at least the next four to five months,” Altmaier said.

But after months of restrictions, interrupted only during the summer, people’s boredom grows and some take to the streets to protest.

In Germany, where there have been protests against the restrictions for weeks, hundreds again marched in Frankfurt and other cities on Saturday. The police had to use water cannons to disperse some of the protesters.

And in Portugal, where a night curfew already prevails and from this weekend a weekend curfew is also established for 70% of the population, half a thousand people have challenged the bans on conducting a ” March for Freedom ”in Lisbon.


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