Coronavirus: Regeneron, the cocktail used by Trum …


The American laboratory Regeneron and its Swiss partner rock revealed this Monday on Phase 3 clinical trial results of an experimental cocktail aimed at reducing the risk of coronavirus infection in families where a person is already ill. The treatment called REGEN-COV and popularly known as Regeneron, reduce the risk of symptomatic infection by more than 80%. This drug was used by former United States President Donald Trump when he was hospitalized for being covid positive at Walter Reed Medical Center.

According to Regeneron in a press release, the Phase 3 trials conducted to assess the combination of the drugs casirivimab and imdevimab within families infected with coronavirus, they have achieved their main objectives: treatment reduces the risk of symptomatic infection by 81% in uncontaminated patients if the drug is administered by subcutaneous injection in doses of 1200 mg.

People who nonetheless developed symptoms of COVID-19 infection saw that they disappeared faster, in average week, against three weeks for patients who received a placebo, explained the Swiss group Roche in a separate press release in which they also presented the results of these trials.

These clinical trials – which were carried out on a sample of 1505 people– goal evaluate treatment in uninfected patients who do not have antibodies or symptoms, and that they live with a family where one of the people has tested positive within the previous four days.

“With more than 60,000 Americans diagnosed positive for COVID-19 every day, this REGEN-COV cocktail can help provide immediate protection to unvaccinated people who are exposed to the virus,” said Dr. George D. Yancopoulos, Scientific Director from Regeneron. direction.

Both groups will quickly submit the results of these trials to health authorities.

Last year, former president trump praised the effects of REGEN-VOC after being treated with this investigational drug and said in a video uploaded to his Twitter account: “I want the same for you that I had. And I want it to be free, I don’t want them to pay ”. The president, who was not re-elected, claimed the cocktail was “a cure” and “the key” to the pandemic.


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