Coronavirus: Scotland announces total quarantine of …


Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced on Monday that the country will again enter total containment ‘Similar to last March’ during the month of January to control the increase in coronavirus infections that the new variant detected in the UK is causing in the region.

From midnight this Monday, and throughout the month of January, “the legal obligation to stay at home, except for essential purposes, similar to the lockdown last March, ”Sturgeon told the Scottish Parliament.

Containment will include school closures, so that most students will have two more weeks of distance education than planned, since previously the government announced that vacation vacations were extended until January 11 and that distance education would end on January 18. current month.

According to Sturgeon, schools will open for children of essential workers who cannot perform their duties at home, as well as for young people with some type of vulnerability.

“It was essential to take this step”

The independence and pro-independence leader explained on Monday that her government had not adopted this decision to apply it “lightly”, but that it was “well aware” of the impact it will have on people. and the economy. For the president, however, it was “essential” to take this step in order to protect the lives of Scots.

According to official records, more than 100,000 people have already received the first dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech coronavirus vaccine in Scotland. From this Monday, in addition, the doses of AstraZeneca / Oxford will arrive in the country.

The Scottish government estimates it will have 900,000 doses by the end of January in the hopes that “that number will increase,” Sturgeon said. By next June, he added, more than 2.5 million people will receive the vaccine from AstraZeneca or Pfizer.

The UK is currently going through one of the most difficult times in the pandemic, after a significant increase in cases attributed to the new variant of the coronavirus detected last month in London and in the south-east of England which is believed to have a higher level of contagiousness, for which has already spread to the rest of Europe and to other countries of the world.


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