Coronavirus survivors have 60% …


Coronavirus survivors have 60% more likely to die within six months of infection. The strong statistic comes from a study conducted by researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine, in St. Louis, United States, which has been published in recent days in the prestigious scientific journal Nature. According to research, even people with mild covid-19 have a dramatically increased risk of death from other health complications. within 180 days of illness.

“Our study shows that up to six months after diagnosis, the risk of death even after a mild case of COVID-19 is not trivial and increases with the severity of the disease,” said lead author Ziyad Al -Aly. The researchers also cataloged the many diseases associated with covid-19, providing insight into the long-term complications of the disease and revealing the enormous burden this disease is likely to place on the world’s population in the years to come. “It is no exaggeration to say that the long COVID-19, the long-term consequences of COVID-19 on health, is the next great health crisis in the United States,” Al-Aly added.

The study is quite extensive, in fact it is believed to be the largest that has been done to date: involved more than 87 thousand patients with covid-19 and nearly 5 million control patients from a federal database. After six months, excess deaths among all survivors estimated at eight people per 1000 patients.

To better understand the effects of the coronavirus, Al-Aly and his team compared coronavirus patients from those who have contracted the flu. According to the results, coronavirus survivors had a 50% higher risk of death than flu survivors. Even these COVID-19 infections also carried a significantly higher risk of long-term medical problems. “Compared to influenza, COVID-19 has shown a significantly higher disease burden, both in the magnitude of risk and in the extent of organ system involvement,” they noted in the report.

“This study differs from others that have looked at COVID-19 for a long time because, instead of focusing only on neurological or cardiovascular complications, for example, we take a broad view,” said University officials. from Washington.

Here is a score of possible post-infection health complications

Respiratory system: persistent cough, shortness of breath and low oxygen in the blood.

The nervous system: stroke, headache, memory problems and problems with the sense of taste and smell.

Mental Health: anxiety, depression, sleep problems and drug addiction.

Metabolism: new appearance of diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol.

Cardiovascular system: acute coronary artery disease, heart failure, palpitations and irregular heartbeats.

Digestive system: constipation, diarrhea and acid reflux.

Kidney– Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease which in severe cases may require dialysis.

Regulation of coagulation: blood clots in the legs and lungs.

Skin: skin rash and hair loss.

Musculoskeletal system: joint pain and muscle weakness.

General health: malaise, fatigue and anemia.

The report finds that while no survivor suffered from all of these problems together, many developed a diverse set of problems that have a significant impact on health and quality of life.


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