Coronavirus sweeps across Brazil, global alert rises after new record of deaths and cases | the Chronicle


The Brazilian Ministry of Health reported on Friday that the country surpassed the highest number of Covid-19 cases in one day. They were recorded from 90,570 positive cases and so the 90303 line, reported last Wednesday, March 17th, has been crossed.

Brazil It is currently considered by the WHO (World Health Organization) as the global epicenter of the pandemic. From the start, the country registers 11,871,390 confirmed cases of coronavirus.

Deaths have also increased in the past 24 hours. Were 2815 deceased by the virus. The second highest figure after the record of 2,841 deaths recorded on Tuesday, March 16. As the Ministry of Health reports in its official daily bulletin, Brazil has already passed the 290,000 dead.

High averages of deaths and cases have confirmed in recent days that Brazil is the second country with the highest number of deaths and infections from the virus in the world. The United States is number one.

Second wave of cases

The Ministry of Health has confirmed that the country is going through a second hello of the pandemic. This new wave of cases is a lot more virulent and deadly.

Much of this is due to the circulation of new virus variants, among them the one who arose in Amazon Yes is considered three times more contagious than the original.

Vaccination plan

The ministry moved forward this Saturday with the distribution of a new batch of 5 million doses of covid-19 vaccine throughout the country. These are doses produced at Fiocruz and the Butantan Institute in Brazil.


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