Coronavirus: the German vaccine CureVac has shown an e …


The german pharmaceutical company CureVac reported this Wednesday that your coronavirus vaccine – called CVnCoV- achieves 47 percent efficiency in the provisional analysis, therefore does not meet statistical criteria specified for your success.

The effectiveness of the CureVac vaccine, who was seen as a key candidate in the international race for coronavirus drug approval, A provisional analysis based on 134 cases of covid-19 in the study emerged, with some 40,000 volunteers in Europe and Latin America.

Among the covid-19 cases reported in the test, 124 were sequenced to identify the variant causing the infection, as specified by the company in a medical report. One of the cases detected was attributable to the original version of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019, while 57% of cases were caused by new, highly transmissible variants.

In addition, the German pharmaceutical company clarified that interim results suggest the vaccine is effective in young participants, but not among those over 60, the age group most at risk for severe Covid-19.

While we would expect a more robust intermediate result, we recognize that it is difficult to demonstrate high efficacy in this unprecedented wide variety of variants. As we move towards the final analysis, with a minimum of 80 additional cases, the overall effectiveness of the vaccine may changeSaid CEO Franz-Werner Haas.

What is at stake for CureVac is increased demand after age limits were imposed in the European Union on the use of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines, due to a link with disorders extremely rare but life threatening coagulation. It was also hoped that injecting CVnCoV – that’s the name of the doses – could play an important role in low- and middle-income countries, which have fallen far behind in the global immunization campaign.


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