Coronavirus: the governor is blamed for violating his own prevention measures | the Chronicle


The Governor of the US State of New Jersey, Phil murphy, he was approached by some people while eating in a restaurant, with his family, and they criticized the fact that he did not comply with the recommendations he will drive, as avoid leaving homes because of the coronavirus pandemic.

In the footage, recorded last weekend in the town of Asbury Park, Murphy can be seen with five other people. Protesters behind the camera hurl insults at the governor and his companions. The discussion escalated a bit and ended with him putting on a chin strap.

The Democratic governor, a strong supporter of social distancing measures, has repeatedly reiterated his call on citizens to limit their outings in public places in order to slow the spread of the Covid-19. Additionally, he highlighted indoor gatherings as one of the main sources of the growing number of infections.

Last week, the governor announced more restrictive measures to lower the positivity index. Meetings in closed spaces were limited to 10 people, previously 25 was the maximum, and from this Monday, meetings in open spaces will not be able to exceed crowds of more than 150 people, instead of the limit of 500 people. established so far.

After the video was posted on Twitter, some users rated as “hypocritical” a Phil murphy, while others consider that having political differences does not justify the intrusion into a private dinner, which takes place in the open air.

“It’s totally irrelevant and out of bounds. Criticizing politics, stirring up debate in the public arena is good. But harassing anyone in family, in private, is not acceptable.“He criticized the Republican senator from New Jersey, Declan J. O’Scanlon.

“We’ve all had enough of this mess. @GovMurphy too, trust me … let’s give ourselves a little slack.”, complete O’Scanlon in your account Twitter.

That he was approached the Governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy


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