Coronavirus: The number of people infected worldwide has exceeded 202 million | The United States, India and Brazil, the countries hardest hit by the pandemic


The number of people infected with coronavirus in the world exceeded 202 million and he approached 4.29 million dead, according to information published by Johns Hopkins University, United States.

Around the world they have been reported until this Saturday 202,183,140 infected and 4,285,595 deaths. During this time, 4,376,808,997 doses of vaccine against the virus were administered.

United States, India and Brazil

In United States, the country most affected by the pandemic, the coronavirus has generated 616,713 deaths, with 35,738,154 confirmed cases. For its part, India adds 31,895,385 infected and 427,371 deaths in total, while Brazil has reached 20,151,779 infected and 562,752 deaths.

France, Russia and United Kingdom

keep on going France, with 6,350,899 cases and 112,379 deaths; as, Russia, in fifth place, has accumulated 6,340,370 infected and 161,343 deaths. UK, which returned to climb to sixth position, has 6,070,873 infected, in addition to 130,585 deaths; Turkey is seventh, with 5,870,741 infected and 51,976 deaths. Argentina se ranks eighth, with 107,302 deaths and 5,012,754 infected in total. Colombia, which rose to ninth place, adds 4,834,634 infections, in addition to 122,087 deaths from the pandemic.

Spain and Italy

As, Spain accumulated 4,588,132 infected people and 82,006 deaths. Italy, in eleventh place, it has 4,390,684 infections and 128,209 deaths, while Iran has 4,119,110 positive cases and 93,473 deaths.

Germany, Mexico and Indonesia

Germany has more than 3,795,609 infected and 91,786 deaths. Then appears Indonesia, with 3,639,616 infected and 105,598 deaths; Mexico, with 2,944,226 infected and 243,733 deaths: Poland, with 2,883,976 sick and 75,285 deaths; South Africa, with 2,523,488 infections and 74,623 deaths; and Ukraine adds 2,343,046 infections and 55,836 deaths.

Peru, Netherlands and Chile

They followed Peru, with 2,124,128 positive cases and 196,873 deaths; The Netherlands, with 1,914,578 people infected and 18,160 deaths; Iraq, which recorded 1,704,363 infections and 19,146 deaths; Czech Republic, with 1,674,726 and 30,363 dead; The Philippines, which had 1,649,341 cases and 28,835 deaths, and Chile, which had 1,622,509 patients and reached 35,951 deaths.


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