Coronavirus: the United States has passed half a million …


United States exceeded this Monday half a million deaths from the coronavirus, a figure with which he reached a sad record that no other country in the world is approaching and which comes at a time when the Joe Biden government is accelerating the vaccination campaign.

According to the latest report from Johns Hopkins University, The United States has 500,071 deaths from the disease and 28,174,133 million infections. After the release of the sad record, President Joe Biden ordered that the flags of all federal buildings in the country, including the White House and official agencies abroad, such as embassies, they hover at half mast for the next five days in mourning. In addition, Washington DC Cathedral rang 500 times in honor of the victims.

Biden recalled that those more than 500,000 deaths in a single year from the pandemic are more than if Americans killed in WWI, WWII and the Vietnam War were added.

According to these figures, EE.UU Registry more than twice as many deaths from covid-19 as the next nation, Brazil. According to the Johns Hopkins count, Brazil reports 246,504 deaths; followed by Mexico with 180,107; India, with 156,385; the United Kingdom, with 120,987, and Italy, with 95,992.

In the United States, the states with the most deaths are California, with 49,439 people; New York, with 46,917; Texas, with 42,291; Florida, with 30,065 people, and Pennsylvania, with 30,065 people. In terms of cases, the most numerous states are California with 3,533,639; Texas, with 2,603,112; Florida, with 1,872,923; New York, with 1,597,969, and Illinois, with 1,175,568.


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