Coronavirus: The United States has recorded 198,000 cases …


United States recorded more than 198,000 new cases of coronavirus and 3,200 deaths in the last 24 hours. The city of Angels East one of the most affected: one in 10 inhabitants has been infected since the start of the pandemic and last week, there has been nearly 300 deaths per day because of the virus.

According to data from the Independent Johns Hopkins University, there were 198,218 new infections and 3,286 deaths in the United States on Saturday, bringing the total to more than 23.7 million cases and nearly 396,000 deaths. Just the town of Los Angeles, outdated the million sick since the start of the pandemic.

The California city, the second largest in the country, is now one of the hardest hit by the pandemic, and just last December, the state’s cases have doubled and placed it in number one of the national ranking.

In the past seven days, the Centers for Communicable Diseases (CDC) reported 290,983 new infections in California.

Due to the increase in the number of victims, Los Angeles hospital morgues are fullLocal coroners use refrigerated trucks to receive bodies, and some cemeteries have a waiting list of up to two weeks.

“Last weekend, I turned down 16 families I couldn’t serve,” Candy Boyd, owner of Boyd Funeral Home, told AFP, explaining that for the first time in its history, she had to refuse customers.

“We have done the services, but the cemetery is so busy we have to keep them here until they have time to do the burial,” Boyd added.

One of the areas most affected by the pandemic is southern Los Angeles, particularly the Westmont neighborhood, home to working-class people, mostly from Afro and Latino communities. These areas have death rates two to three times higher than those in neighboring communities.

Since the start of the pandemic in the United States at least 23,760,080 have tested positive for the coronavirus and 395,851 infected people have died, And all experts predict those curves won’t improve in the short term, even with the change of government next Wednesday and President-elect Joe Biden’s pledge to take immediate action to slow the spread of the virus.

In addition to imposing restrictions, Biden has pledged 100 million doses of the covid-19 vaccine will be given in his first 100 days in office. Anthony Fauci, the White House’s chief epidemiologist, said in an interview with NBC that this goal “is absolutely achievable.”

“What the president-elect will do is what he has to do, which is invoke the Defense Production Law to get everything he needs: tests, vaccines or whatever.” , explained the legal expert, also used by outgoing President Donald Trump will mass-produce respirators and other medical supplies as the pandemic begins.

“Its goal is quite achievable, there is no doubt about it. It can be achieved,” Fauci concluded.


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