Coronavirus: the viral video of Pablo Granados which c …


In the middle of the spread fake news and operations against the vaccination campaign to fight against the coronavirus, comedian Pablo Granadas shared a fun and informative video in an effort to leave a strong message about the importance of vaccines.

“How much we debate about the vaccines that are created to stop this virus. And to think that since childhood we have been vaccinated. Only trusting, without thinking about who made it, which country produced it,” thought it at the beginning.

And continued: “There is so much talk with the fart, bullets are made for running, WhatsApp audios are going viral generating mistrust and bewildermentThis custom is very Argentinian, isn’t it? “

While sharing the video on his Instagram account, Granados remarked that “this issue is causing us all to argue, one way or the other, whether it’s for or against” and said he wrote this message with the information provided by the scientist from Conicet Fabricio Ballarini.

In the video reproduced by more than half a million people, the actor made it clear that he is apolitical, that he does not trust “neither one nor the other”, but that he does confidence in technology and science.

Throughout the audiovisual piece that went viral, Granados explained how life expectancy increased thanks to access to vaucnas and different pharmacological treatments.

“Vaccines have improved life expectancy around the world because most of the deaths occurred in childhood. In fact, thanks to vaccines, the global mortality of children under five has halved lately >>, he said.

Towards the end, he added that without these treatments and vaccines so widely questioned today, figures like José de San Martín and Manuel Belgrano had a terrible time because “before the diseases were cured, it was necessary to to live with”.


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