Coronavirus: The world is mobilizing to help India after catastrophic epidemic | the Chronicle


As infections skyrocket in India and problems with the oxygen supply continue, the United States, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the European Union (EU) have announced aid shipments to try to mitigate the dramatic consequences of the coronavirus in the country.

Indian authorities today reported 349,691 new coronavirus infections, a new daily record that confirms a worrying upward trend in the epidemiological curve, as oxygen supply problems persist for the most seriously ill.

Hospitals in New Delhi continue to issue emergency calls due to lack of oxygen.

The chief minister of the Indian capital, New Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, announced an increase from 480 to 490 tons of the supply of the hospitals of the city, although – he warns – “700 tons are needed”.

Given the gravity of the situation, the United States today announced aid to India through its Secretary of State, Antony Blinken.

“We are working closely with our peers in the Indian government and will quickly deploy further assistance to the Indian people and their health heroes,” Blinken said on Twitter.

At the same time, the UK announced today that it will send emergency medical supplies such as ventilators and oxygen concentrators to India.

“Vital medical equipment, including hundreds of oxygen concentrators and ventilators, are now traveling from the UK to India,” said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, expressing his support for the former British colony.

London will send more than 600 units of medical supplies to fight the virus at India’s request.

The UK “will do everything possible to support the international community in the global fight against the pandemic,” Johnson said, the BBC reported.

The first shipment, followed by others throughout the week, is expected to arrive in New Delhi early Tuesday, according to the British Foreign Office.

A total of nine air supply containers will be shipped.

For her part, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, today announced that the European Union (EU) is preparing to provide “assistance” to India.

“The EU is deploying its resources to respond quickly to India’s request for assistance through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism,” Von der Leyen tweeted.

“Our Emergency Response Coordination Center (ERCC) already brings together member states, which are ready to provide urgently needed oxygen and medicines,” he said.

Earlier, German head of government Chancellor Angela Merkel also said her government was preparing to send emergency aid to India.

“I want to express to the Indian people my condolences for the terrible suffering that Covid-19 has again caused in their communities,” Merkel said in a joint message with her spokesperson, Steffen Seibert via Twitter.

“The fight against the pandemic is our common fight. Germany stands in solidarity with India and is urgently preparing a support mission.”

India’s biggest rival Pakistan last night offered to send medical supplies “in solidarity with the Indian people.”

“Pakistan has offered assistance to India, including ventilators, oxygen supply kits, digital x-ray machines, personal protective equipment and related items,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.

The text urges the authorities of the two countries to develop modalities for the rapid delivery of the items and to explore possible ways of continuing cooperation to alleviate the challenges posed by the pandemic.

The offer came a day after Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, in a tweet, prayed for “the speedy recovery of Indians affected by the virus.”


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