Coronavirus: there are already 29 travelers who have arrived in the country with the Delta variant | Ministry of Health report


The Nation’s Ministry of Health clarified on Thursday that the country has already accumulated 29 confirmed cases of coronavirus with the Delta variant and detailed that all were related to returning travelers from abroad.

As stated in a press release, seven new cases were confirmed on Thursday of this mutation, after the analysis carried out by the National Administration of Laboratories and Institutes of Health (ANLIS) Malbrán. With the study, the variant could be traced and those diagnosed were reported to have arrived from the United States, Spain, the Netherlands, Mexico, Montenegro, Panama, France and Venezuela. , and a case with an epidemiological link with a traveler.

On the other hand, it has been pointed out that Of the 29 cases positive for Delta, 28 have a history of international travel, while one corresponds to a case with an epidemiological link with one of the travelers.

Regarding people with a travel history, 32% were detected in the testing device at the entry of the country (9 cases) and 68% (19 cases) were positive during their isolation due to an onset of symptoms or performing the PCR test on the seventh day of isolation.

“We are successful in delaying the entry of the Delta variant”, underlined this Thursday the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, while he stressed that Argentina will today exceed the 40 million vaccines received.

The official assumed that “sooner or later it is a possibility” to enter the country, so “it is very important to continue to maintain care and that those returning from abroad do isolation and PCR. “.


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