Coronavirus: they recorded the first case of a baby …


In Miami, a nurse gave birth to a girl in whom anti-covid-19 antibodies have been recorded, confirmed the pediatricians who take care of the little girl. The woman, a health worker who works on the front lines of the fight against the coronavirus, had received the first dose of the modern laboratory vaccine when she was already 36 weeks pregnant; the baby was born three weeks later, at the end of January. The case, explained the doctors who treated the woman and the girl, is the recorded for the first time in the world.

The umbilical cord scans established that the baby was born with COVID-19 antibodies, pediatricians Paul Gilbert and Chad Rudnick told WBPF in Palm Beach, that they planned to publish an article on the case in the journal MedRxiv.

“As far as we know, this is the first reported case worldwide of a baby born with anti-covid-19 antibodies after his mother’s vaccination, ”Gilbert said.

The pediatricians analyzed the newborn’s umbilical cord to see if the mother had passed on the antibodies to it as happens with vaccines against other diseases and they found that it had, which Rudnick considers important. in the fight to protect girls and boys. . “This is just a small case of what will be the thousands and thousands of babies born in the next few months to mothers who have been vaccinated” against covid-19, the pediatrician said.

However, doctors have given a few caveats because “further study is neededs to determine how long this protection will last. “You need to establish the level or number of antibodies a baby needs to protect itself,” Rudnick warned. According to his colleague Gilbert, some large pharmaceutical companies are starting to include pregnant women in their ongoing vaccine studies to get them. learn more about transmitting antibodies to babies.


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