Coronavirus: Third dose of Pfizer generates 43% more antibodies in immunocompromised people


Person receives dose of Pfizer coronavirus disease vaccine at mobile vaccination center in Tel Aviv (REUTERS)
Person receives dose of Pfizer coronavirus disease vaccine at mobile vaccination center in Tel Aviv (REUTERS)

Immunocompromised people under 65 who received the third dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine in Israel developed 43% more antibodies than after the second injectionrevealed an investigation by Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv.

The study, taken up this Saturday by the Israeli media, was carried out between 240 immunocompromised patients who received the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine since the government approved the measure last month.

According to the researchers, only 25% of organ transplant patients experienced an antibody response to the vaccine after their first and second doses; while after a third, they answered about 50%.

A medical worker prepares to administer the third dose of the coronavirus disease vaccine to a patient at the Clalit Health Care Maintenance Organization in Jerusalem (REUTERS)
A medical worker prepares to administer the third dose of the coronavirus vaccine to a patient at the Clalit Health Care Maintenance Organization in Jerusalem (REUTERS)

Among hematologic patients, a third more responded to the third dose compared to the second.

Overall, for those under 65, the response rate was 70% versus 27% after the second injection.

And for those over 65, approximately 43% developed antibodies against 7% after the second dose.

Last week the Rabin-Beilinson Campus Medical Center in Petah Tikva published a similar report, which found that the third dose doubled the number of transplant recipients who developed antibodies to the coronavirus.

The Israeli government yesterday approved the vaccination of people over 50 with a third dose
The Israeli government yesterday approved the vaccination of people over 50 with a third dose

“The data is clear proof that the third vaccine works”he said then Ruthi rachmimov, director of the Beilinson kidney transplant department.

The Israeli government approved on Friday vaccinate people over 50 with a third dose, a campaign which will begin this Sunday with more than 50,000 people already registered in the age group between 50 and 59 years.

“The team of experts worked with diligence, professionalism and thoroughness, and came to the conclusion that the third vaccine from the age of 50 and for medical teams is effective and correct”, the country’s prime minister said on Thursday, Naftali Bennet, after the expert cabinet approved its request to extend the third dose to more age groups.

The new Prime Minister of Israel, Naftali Benet.  EFE / EPA / ATEF SAFADI
The new Prime Minister of Israel, Naftali Benet. EFE / EPA / ATEF SAFADI

Benet pointed out that he is “The right decision for the citizens of Israel”, a country facing today a fourth wave of COVID-19 infections after reducing them to almost zero following the success of its rapid vaccination campaign with Pfizer earlier this year.

After starting the third dose for immunocompromised patients in mid-July, Israel approved the same measure for over 60 years at the end of this month, an injection that more than 775,000 people.

In addition to being one of the pioneer countries in the application of the third dose, Israel carried out a rapid and successful vaccination campaign at the start of the year, who managed months later to reduce the rate of positives to almost zero and lift almost all restrictions, though still 1.1 million Israelis refuse to be vaccinated.

They, with the arrival of the contagious variant delta, caused a fourth wave of infections in the country, which continues to increase with around 6,000 new positives per day last week and over 42,000 active cases.

(With information from EFE)


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