Coronavirus: this is how the vaccination of doctors and teachers began in Russia


Russia started this Saturday 5 December mass vaccination against coronavirus in Moscow with the Sputnik V, which began to be applied in 70 clinics in sectors such as health workers and teachers, who has already recorded more than 5 thousand registered. In this first step, will not vaccinate those over 60.

Thus, the Moscow authorities began to vaccinate the most exposed population to the contagion that because of their professional activities, they are in contact with many people, through a network of 70 clinics.

“During the first five hours, 5000 people have registered to get vaccinated: teachers, doctors and social workers“, the mayor of Moscow said last Friday, Sergei Sobyanin.

Workers in these regions text messages received for summon them to be vaccinated and it was made clear to them that the application of Sputnik V it had no cost.

How the Sputnik V vaccine works against Covid

In the middle of the scientific race that opened the coronavirus pandemic, the Moscow authorities began this Saturday, December 5 to vaccinate the population most exposed to contagion through a network of 70 clinics, according to the state agency. Russia today.

Russian health authorities have clarified that the age of people who will receive the dose of Sputnik V cannot be over 60, just like those who have health problems, pregnant women and those who have suffered from sickness respiratory over the past two weeks.

Step by step, how the vaccination goes

Volunteers must present their passport, a workplace policy and certificate. The vaccine, which is refrigerated in the office, is applied on the shoulder. Then patients are warned of the possible side effects and takes them to the “recreation area” where rest 30 minutes. Finally, the doctors give the patient a certificate and register for the second dose.

Maria sokolova, chief doctor of the polyclinic № 191, explained how the vaccination is: ” ten minutes for the vaccination itself. And since we work from 8 am to 8 pm, then, as planned, we can cover up to 100 people per vaccination per day“.

As advised by nurses, it is not recommended drink alcohol for three days, do not go to the sauna, do not rub the application site with towels too much and avoid physical exertion of men.

Russia claims Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine is 95% effective

“I think the need is quite high. We are constantly getting calls to our help desks. People are also ready and coming. We have no problems. We recommend waiting a little today for all those who want to be vaccinated, because for the moment we are vaccinating the groups at riskThen we will start to vaccinate the entire population, ”Sokolova concluded.

The Sputnik V vaccine, developed by the National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Nikolay Gamaleya, is administered in two injections: the first application consists of adenovirus 26 and the second, the adenovirus 5. It is in the third and final phase of clinical tests in which they participate 40,000 volunteers.

The Russian vaccine will cost around 20 dollars and can be stored in a temperature from +2 to +8 degrees centigrade: Authorities in Moscow say more than 50 countries have requested doses. Its creators announced last month a 95% efficiency rate, according to interim results, and that the vaccine would be cheaper and easier to store and transport than others.

The vaccine, administered in two doses 21 days apart, will be free for Russian citizens and will be administered on a voluntary basis. Sputnik V will be produced by countries such as Argentina, India, Brazil, China and South Korea, among others.

Coronavirus in Russia

Russia registered in the last 24 hours 28,782 new positive for Covid-19, a new daily maximum, Y added 508 deaths from this disease, reported the national operational center against the coronavirus in a statement.

The accumulated number, 2,431,731, represents an increase of 1.2% compared to the previous day. The country is the fourth place in the world in terms of the number of cases.

Most of the new infections were detected in the Russian capital, which renews the maximum with 7993 positives, followed by the imperial capital, Saint PETERSBOURG, with 3726 and the region of Moscow, with 1,246 positives.

With the death of 508 other patients in 24 hours, the the total number of deaths is 42,684Russian news agency reported Sputnik.

EuDr / FF


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