Coronavirus tragedy in Brazil: in the first week of April there were more deaths than births


Harvard University Professor Marcia Castro claimed that due to the coronavirus pandemic in the first days of April Brazil recorded more deaths than births.

“More deaths than births in the first six days of April, it’s new, it’s a disaster. Urgent quarantine! Harvard School of Public Health professor Castro said on social media.

Between March 27 and April 2, Brazil, which has 2.7% of the world’s population, recorded 30% of deaths from Covid-19 worldwide. (Photo: EFE)For: EFE Services

Between April 1 and April 6, 11,774 births took place and 12,181 deaths were reported in Brazil.

The National Council of Secretaries of Health, which represents 27 state governments, reported that as of Tuesday there were 4,195 deaths from the coronavirus, the first time the four thousand death mark has been exceeded since the start of the pandemic .

Brazil kills 336,947 and is second in the world ranking, behind the United States.

But for weeks, the Latin American giant rose to number one in the world considering deaths every 24 hours.

Castro released a report that cites data from the World Health Organization, which indicates that between March 27 and April 2, Brazil, which has 2.7% of the world’s population, recorded 30% of deaths due to Covid-19 occurring worldwide.

Bolsonaro rules out nationwide lockdown

Meanwhile, the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, excluded the possibility of introducing a containment nationwide to reduce the number of infections and after recording a daily registry of coronavirus deaths.

In a speech in the city of Chapecó, in the southern state of Santa Catarina, the president admitted that he could do it, “as some want,” but he categorically denied the possibility.

“There will be no national lockdown”he assured as he was greeted with applause.

The president spoke at an event in Chapecó. (Photo: EFE)For: EFE Services

Bolsonaro’s usual refusal to impose biosecurity and isolation measures was ratified a day after the country broke a new death record from the disease.

Yesterday the country registered 4,200 coronavirus deaths and nearly 87,000 infections in just 24 hours, the figures confirm the critical moment of the pandemic that it is going through. Brazil accumulates more than 13.1 million cases.

Despite the accelerated rise in infections and deaths, and the report released this week by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, which predicted between 507,000 and 595,000 deaths in Brazil from the coronavirus by the end June, Bolsonaro scorned isolation measures because they lead to unemployment and poverty.

The president also criticized those who “dare” suggest that the armed forces help state governors to ensure compliance with restrictive measures.

“The Brazilian army will not go to the streets to keep people inside; Freedom has no price“Said the president quoted by the Sputnik news agency.

Bolsonaro also defended the early treatment of coronavirus cases with drugs whose scientific effectiveness has not been proven and ensured that since he has governed, there is no more corruption in Brazil.

With agency information.


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