Coronavirus vaccines: Bolivia canceled contract for 5,000,000 doses of AstraZeneca, what happened?


Bolivia canceled a contract with the Indian Serum Institute (SII), which manufactures vaccines from the British laboratory AstraZeneca, for infringe in the delivery of 5 million dosesthe government announced today.

“The contract had benchmarks and clauses they call force majeure. They tell us that they could not deliver us; We did not pay them either because it is done right before the merchandise is shipped.“, the Chancellor’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, Benjamin Blanco, informed today.

“For a problem which, according to them, is force majeure, because the government of India forbade them exports, then it is no longer necessary to do anything with this contract, just the infringe it was given by them, ”he said, quoted by the ABI news agency.

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Currently, India exceeds 400,000 deaths of pandemic and is in the number of deceased just behind United States Yes Brazil.

However, Blanco explained that while the deal was dissolved, the State maintains the quota of required doses so that when the pharmacy has the capacity to export, it can supply the country.

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According to the agreement signed by Bolivia and IBS at the beginning of January to receive 5 million coronavirus vaccines, the first million doses are expected to arrive in April and later, little by little, the rest.

The government Luis Arce threw that Bolivia may have dose delivery problems for its target population: 7.1 million out of a total of 11.5 million.

Bolivia, which accumulated nearly 445,000 infected with the coronavirus and 16,950 deaths on Sunday, has Russia Yes China as the main suppliers of drugs.


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