Coronavirus vaccines: from Pfizer to Sputnik, one by one how effective is against the Delta variant


The Delta variant arose in India has already extended to 80 passes and the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that due to its transmissibility, it is on its way to becoming the dominant strain of the world.

In places like UK, Russia e Israel the strain is at the origin of new epidemics of coronavirus and it is expected that by the end of August Delta Be responsible of 90% of new infections in Europe.

Faced with this scenario, countries and laboratories are quick to measure the efficiency of vaccines in force on new variant. In fact, many show a a slightly lower efficiency level than the original strain of coronavirus, although they still have a high level of protection against Delta.

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Sputnik V has an efficiency of about 90% against the variant of the coronavirus, the authorities of the Instituto Gamalea, where it was developed.

While the russian vaccine keep showing a high efficiency, the new results show youn lower level of protection compared to the original variant of the coronavirus, which had an effectiveness of almost 92%.

Sputnik V shows less effectiveness against Delta than any other vaccine efficacy results published on the Delta variant», Declared Denis Logunov, deputy director of the Moscow Gamaleya Institute.

Logunov said that the figure of efficiency of Delta variant was calculated based on digital vaccination and medical records, and insisted that the “Sputnik V show the best protection results among all vaccines that have published results on the Delta variant. Until now, Russia approved four vaccines manufactured in the country.

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Inside the borders, however, many Russians remain skeptical and reluctant to get vaccinated. Mosque is going through one of the worst epidemics of coronavirus today and the local government had to establish the compulsory vaccination.

Today, Russia reported 652 deaths of coronavirus in 24 hours, a new daily record.

On the other hand, a recent study published in The Lancet points out that two doses of vaccine Pfizer-BioNTech could generate up to 2.5 times more neutralizing antibodies than the vaccine Oxford-AstraZeneca. Although both vaccines turned out to produce a immune response, both had lower efficacy on the Delta variant than the other strains of coronavirus. On the other hand, the study emphasizes the importance of receiving a complete immunization schedule.

Similarly, a study by scientists from the Oxford University determined to combine doses of AstraZeneca Yes Pfizer – regardless of the order – increased the immune response, compared to two doses of vaccine British.

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In this sense, a recent analysis by Public Health England (PHE) based on the vaccination campaign in the United Kingdom, concluded that the Pfizer have a 96% effectiveness in preventing hospitalizations from Delta variant, while that of AstraZeneca was 92%.

Das atrs, Alon Rappaport, medical director of Pfizer at Israel, said the vaccine he has one Effectiveness “about 90%” in preventing coronavirus infection.

Delta causes further escalation of epidemics in Israel, despite 60% of the population is already vaccinated with the two doses of Pfizer. Although most of those affected are people who have not yet been vaccinated, a portion of those infected have already completed their vaccination. Health officials say the numbers match the vaccine efficacy level, and that in the case of vaccinated infected, none have developed a serious picture of the disease.

Modern, another vaccine based on Messenger RNA announced today that its vaccine produces antibody against Delta variant and other varieties like Alpha, beta and gamma, but no numbers specified.

On the other hand, there is still no substantial data on the protection that the Johnson & Johnson vacuum In front of variant, but some experts are starting to question whether it is enough with just one dose, when the importance of receiving two doses in scheduled times. AstraZeneca Yes Pfizer, and we even talk about third booster dose.

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At the moment, there is also not much information regarding the performance of the chinese vaccines in front of Delta. Zhong Nanshan, one of the country’s leading epidemiologists, said the researchers found that vchinese cradles are effective in reducing the risk of severe and symptomatic cases caused by Delta, although the results are preliminary and the sample size is small.

Feng Zijian, researcher and former deputy director of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said in a television interview that although antibody generated by chinese vaccines (mainly based on virus inactivated) son less effective against Delta compared to other variants, injections still offer protection.

On the other hand, Liu Peicheng, spokesperson for Sinovac (which produces the Coronavac, with which a large part of the population has been vaccinated in Brazil, Chile Yes Uruguay, for example) told Reuters that preliminary results based on blood samples from those vaccinated showed a reduction up to three times the neutralizing effect against Delta.

In this sense, Liu said that a booster injection after the two-dose regimen, it could quickly trigger a stronger and longer lasting antibody response against the variant.


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