Coronavirus: warn that a single dose of AstraZ …


England warned that having a single dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine provides only 33% immunity against the Delta variant (India) of covid-19 three weeks after its application. While, compared to the English variant, the efficiency is 50 percent.

According to the official British report known on Monday, The efficacy of the vaccine against the symptomatic variant of the disease B.1.617.2 (India) is similar after two doses compared to the British dominant variant B.1.1.7 (British). “We expect to see even higher levels of effectiveness against hospitalization and death,” he predicted.

The study, which was conducted between April and May, concluded that with a single dose of AstraZeneca, the efficacy against symptomatic cases of the Delta variant was found to be only 33% at three weeks d. ‘application, against 50% against the variant called English. or Alpha (B.1.1.7). So far, only two cases of the B.1.617.2 (Delta / India) variant have been reported in Argentina, considered the most contagious and deadly detected to date.

British health officials had expressed concern that the recent increase in the Delta variant could jeopardize the government’s plan to phase out the third lockdown., which was scheduled for June 21, after 6 months of strict restrictions imposed by decree last December after the detection of the English variant.

Despite these results, UK Health Security Agency executive director Jenny Harries assured that “there is optimism in being able to move forward with the lack of refinement to June 21.“.

Official data indicates that 72% of the UK’s adult population (37 million people) have already received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine; and that 42 percent (over 20 million) have already received both doses.


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