Coronavirus: which countries will be the first to apply the Covid-19 vaccine


The starting whistle has sounded for the most anticipated race of the 2020 pandemic: start immunizing the world against the coronavirus. And since yesterday, the UK was the first country to approve the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, the Vaccination announcements: who will be first?

Everything indicates that Russia, which was also the first to register a vaccine against the coronavirus last August, Sputnik V. Russia is the fourth country most affected by a pandemic with 2.35 million people infected and more than 41,000 dead.

The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobianin, today announced that This Saturday, the mass vaccination campaign with Sputnik V will begin in the Russian capital, which in principle will be given to people belonging to high-risk groups. “The vaccination campaign will start on December 5 “, insured. Just yesterday, President Vladimir Putin called on the government to start the process of administering the vaccine.

The Russian capital, which is the epicenter of the epidemic in the country, has already supplied specialized refrigerated containers for the storage of Sputnik V and they train the staff who will manage the treatment doses. “Large quantities of vaccine doses will arrive in the coming weeks. We will expand the list“Sobianin added.

United Kingdom: next week

The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, 56, who was admitted to intensive care at the start of the pandemic after contracting Covid-19, is now assesses whether he will be vaccinated on television, to show the population that it is something safe, said his press officer. But not yet, since priority will be at risk groups: Applications will start next week.

The Prime Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, assured the BBC What as soon as possible, in Scotland, they will start vaccinating on Tuesday 8 December with the Pfizer vaccine and BioNTech, and said its approval was “without question the best news we’ve heard since the start of the pandemic. ”

Mexico: December?

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced today that the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine could be distributed in the country in December. “The agreement with Pfizer has already been signed to have the vaccine as soon as possible, I hope that before the end of the year we have the vaccine, it’s my wish“, he declared. Yesterday his government confirmed a purchase agreement with the American pharmacist to acquire 34.4 million doses.

As well Chancellor Marcelo Ebrard said yesterday that the vaccination of the population would begin before the end of the year. “What many assumed impossible is now a reality: vaccination is about to start in December 2020“, He declared in a message posted on the networks. Mexico is the fourth country in the world with the highest number of deaths from Covid-19: 107,565 and over 1.13 million cases.

For January in Brazil with the Chinese vaccine

In Brazil, the mayor of San Pablo, João Doria, said today that the vaccination It will start in January and they plan to finish it until February.. The State of São Paulo, in association with the Butantan Institute, has an agreement for the import and production in the country of the vaccine Coronavac, produced by the Chinese company Sinovac.

He explained that today they received enough raw material to produce a million doses, and that they had already received 120,000 doses. “With this additional batch of vaccines, we already have 1.12 million doses at the Butantan Institute. In the first half of January, we will have 46 million doses available to the Brazilian population in the state of São Paulo»Celebrated the governor.

But Doria also showed “outraged” by the vaccination plan announced Tuesday by the federal government that it would not start until March. “If the federal government has the sense, the competence and the understanding that More than 600 Brazilians die from coronavirus every day, with these doses of Coronavac as well can offer to vaccinate the entire population of São Paulo and other states of the country “, he quoted leaf.


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