Coronavirus: WHO has authorized the use of …


The World Health Organization (WHO) granted on first approval urgently to a coronavirus vaccine. The approved is the one they developed Pfizer-BioNTech and the agency’s decision will facilitate its use in countries that have not yet validated it.

“This is a very positive step in ensuring universal access to covid-19 vaccines,” said Mariangela Simao, director in charge of access to medicines at the WHO. Approval by the United Nations health agency allows countries that do not have the means to quickly determine the efficacy and safety of a drug to have faster access to treatments.

According to WHO itself pointed out in a statement.

Simao stressed that, however, “an even greater effort is needed to ensure that sufficient doses of vaccine are available to meet the needs of priority populations around the world.” For the moment, the richest countries of the world have obtained doses to vaccinate their populations and even to the detriment of the poorest, who are difficult to access vaccines.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has already been injected for several weeks in the United Kingdom. It is also applied in the European Union, the United States and other countries around the world, such as Chile.

Since its application in Great Britain, it has already been received by several million people. The vaccine is estimated to be 95% effective, but requires very low temperatures of around -80 degrees Celsius, making distribution and storage more difficult.

In Argentina, Anmat has already approved its use. The other two vaccines approved for application are Sputnik V, with which the nationwide vaccination campaign began this week, and the one developed by AztraZeneca in collaboration with the University of Oxford.


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