Coronavirus: WHO has warned Europe of a pos …


The World Health Organization (WHO) has alerted the European Union (EU) of a possible third wave of coronavirus in early 2021 if governments continue to ease restrictions on covid-19 and societies to ease care measures.

According to David Nabarro, WHO Special Envoy, the second wave in the region is the responsibility of European governments, which have not built the “necessary infrastructure during the summer, having controlled the first wave “and started a relaxation in constraints. If they don’t change their attitude, the official warned, “we’ll have a third wave early next year.”

For ease restrictionsAccording to the director of the WHO, “we must wait until the numbers are low and they stay weak for weeks. “In contrast,” in Europe restrictions were relaxed after the summer and now infections are on the rise again, “he said.

Nabarro harshly criticized Switzerland’s decision to reopen the ski slopes, a move that could cause “a very high level of infections and deaths”.

South Korea, for example

By way of contrast, he cites the example of Asia. “People (in Asia) are fully involved, adopting behaviors that make it difficult for the virus to circulate” and “they keep their distance, wear masks, isolate themselves when they are sick, protect the most exposed groups”, Nabarro noted, adding that countries on this continent, unlike European countries, had not loosened restrictions prematurely.

With a population similar to Spain, South Korea has managed to keep the disease at bay, adding just 5,000 cases and 50 deaths last month. In contrast, during the same period, Spain added more than 530,000 new positives and 8,000 deaths from covid-19, surpassing the dramatic data of the first wave.

One of the most affected areas

According to WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanomm Ghebreyesus, in the past four weeks, more global cases of covid-19 have been quantified than in the first six months of the pandemic.

Europe has become one of the regions of the world hardest hit by the pandemic and today concentrates the 28% of positive cases from all over the planet. Since the disease began to spread, it has been the scene of 26% of deaths: according to WHO data, one person dies every 17 seconds from coronavirus in this region.

Cases continue to rise in Germany and the pandemic is progressing in Italy towards “critical levels” in the number of patients. In Austria, the authorities changed their strategy and imposed a strict lockdown.

In the case of France, the government was relieved by the descent of the curves, while recommending that prevention be maintained. Spain, meanwhile, has started to notice a recent decrease in transmission of the virus that has lasted for more than 10 days.


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