Coronavirus: WHO warns that covid-19 returns to …


Maria Van Kerkhove, the head of pandemic management at the World Health Organization (WHO) says that the transmission of the virus is partly due to the circulation of the new variants.

The doctor responsible for emerging diseases and zoonoses at the WHO has warned that covid-19 is “on the rise” again and that transmission of the virus increased last week globally, and by 12% in Europe.

So, and after five consecutive weeks of reducing coronavirus infections, over the past week, and to some extent due to the circulation of new variants, there is an increase in transmission and even deaths associated with this cause.

But not only in Europe the cases are increasing, but also in South-East Asia (49% due to the situation in India), in the Eastern Mediterranean or in the Pacific, while in Africa a “slight decrease” of transmission in the last seven days.

“In Europe and other regions there is a combination that promotes transmission, such as pressure to open up economies, difficulties in complying with current measures, as well as the fact that vaccination is not distributed. Fair trade and the variants that emerge are more contagious, ”Van Kerkhove explained at a press conference.

For this reason, the WHO expert stressed the importance of continuing to raise awareness of the importance of complying with measures to prevent the contagion of the coronavirus and urge governments to help people comply with these measures. .

“Diseases are on the rise again. Countries are weakening measures to curb transmission, immunization coverage is low and we must turn the situation around once and for all. Vaccines are a very powerful tool, but it is not the only one “, settled the director of health emergencies, Michael Ryan.

Of Public, special for Page 12


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