Coronavirus: with more than 5 million infections, Argentina is the fifth country in the world with the most cases per 100,000 inhabitants


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With the 13,549 cases reported in the past 24 hours, Argentina surpassed 5 million COVID-19 infections and was in the 8th place in cumulative infections in the worldbehind the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, France, the United Kingdom and Turkey.

However, when analyzing data on the same population base for each country, in number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants (incidence), our country is in 5th position on a list of 147 countries, according to Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, United States. With 11,227 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, our country is below Bahrain, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Georgia. This value is quite close to that of Uruguay (11,079) and the Netherlands (11,044), but higher than that of France (9,400), the United Kingdom (9,019) and Chile (8 652). Peru, where mortality triples that of Argentina, has an incidence of almost half (6,631).

Despite these indicators, Alberto Fernández tried today in a message recorded from Casa Rosada to make it known that significant progress has been made in the fight against the coronavirus, just over a month before the legislative primaries in October , and to announce that the pandemic is practically over. . Among today’s announcements is the expansion of the quota of Argentines who will be able to return to the country from this Saturday and the face-to-face return to work of most officials, possibly from September 1.

Our country has reached 5,002,951 positives detected to date, after 521 days since the start of the pandemic in the country, of which 252 days have been quarantined, ordered by the President on March 20, 2020. It was not until November 27 that he went from Mandatory Preventive Social Isolation (ASPO) to Mandatory Preventive Social Distancing (DISPO).

The peak of this year’s second wave cases was on May 24, when 33,171 cases were reported in a single day. Since then infections have started to decline, with ups and downs, but the decline is slow and now averages 11,935 cases per day. According to the analysis of official figures carried out by the Infobae data unit, the national average of new infections over the past week has fallen 9%, since the previous week, there were 12,951.

Now, a little over a month before the election, The government faces the challenge of stopping the spread of the Delta variant in the country and vaccinating the population as quickly as possible with two doses to prevent a possible third wave of infections due to the contagiousness of this strain.. A week ago, 20 people from Cordoba were detected with Delta, where there are also more than 800 isolated for preventive purposes, and cases have been recorded in Rosario, Salta, province and city of Buenos Aires, all associated with travelers from abroad. The authorities assure that there is still no community traffic.

In the health portfolio led by Carla Vizzotti, they don’t rule out a possible recurrence of infections following the spread of the new strain, but they bet it won’t happen until the end of August, and will give them time to complete the inoculation of adults and over 60 years who have received Sputnik V, and cannot complete their schedule due to the lack of the second component of the Russian vaccine.

Beyond the drop in cases in recent weeks, the death toll from COVID-19 remains high. The record was on May 18 with 745 deaths reported in one day. And in total they add 107,213 people who lost their lives after contracting the virus. 79% were over 60 years old.

If the average number of new deaths per day is analyzed, during the last week, a decrease of 24% was observed, compared to the previous week. With today’s data, the weekly average of new deaths per day is 232 and the previous week’s average was 305.

The progress of vaccination

The Government is aware that its electoral future depends largely on the vaccination rate in the weeks until September 12 when the PASO will take place, and on the flattening of the contagion curve. A re-emergence that requires new restrictions could worsen weariness and social unrest, and halt a long-awaited economic rebound, after a year and a half of the pandemic.

The decrease – albeit limited – in cases in recent weeks is correlated with vaccination: to date, 56% of the population have applied at least one dose, but only 17% have the complete inoculation regimen. The daily vaccination rate has accelerated over the past three weeks. And in the last two, an average increase in the application of the second daily doses was observed; not like that of the first.

This week, a record number of second doses were applied: 241,823 in a single day on Wednesday August 4.. This is the maximum number of requests in a single day to complete the scheme, from the start of the vaccination operation. Last week, the rate of application of the first doses, compared to the previous week, decreased by 30%; on the other hand, the rate of application of the second doses increased by 49%.

The situation inside the country

The second wave of infections this year, after hitting AMBA, has spread very heavily inside the country. However, in almost all provinces, daily new cases are now on the decline, in line with the curve at the national level. There are 19 provinces with this indicator declining and only 5 with slight increases.

The most significant decreases occurred in San Juan (-36%), Corrientes (-21%) and Entre Ríos (-16%), while there are increases in CABA, Santiago del Estero, Neuquén, Tucumán and Tierra del Fuego, although not too significant: they vary from 2 to 8%.

In the province of Buenos Aires, the drop in the weekly average of new daily cases was 7%, while in CABA, with today’s figures, the indicator measured an increase of 2%.

How the information was processed

The Infobae data unit daily downloads official data from various sources including Argentina’s Ministry of Health and Johns Hopkins University. These data are entered into a spreadsheet and various indicators are calculated, including incidence, mortality and mortality.

For daily new cases, the 7-day moving average was analyzed and the percentage change for the last week from the previous week was calculated. They also analyzed the immunization indicators, which are taken from the open data repository of the national health portfolio.

To access and / or download the spreadsheet with its respective tabs, follow this link.

Data processing and visualizations: Daniela Czibener


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