Coronavirus wreaks havoc in Brazil but doesn’t change Bolsonaro’s approval


Amid the worsening pandemic of coronavirus in Brazil, with nearly 7 million infected and more than 181,000 deaths, approval to the president Jair Bolsonaro stay at its best since he began his tenure, today revealed the latest national inquiry into Technical sheet.

37% of Brazilians think the president is excellent or good, thus the approval curve remained stable compared to the previous survey, at the end of August. Who qualifies it as ugly or bad has gone from 34% to 32%, and who is it they assess it as fair is 29% (They were 27%), adds the survey carried out by telephone on December 8 and 10, with people in 2016 and a margin of error of two points more or less.

In any case, Bolsonaro also remains the lowest-rated president since Brazil’s return to democracy in 1985., with the exception of Fernando Collor (1990-92).

Although the numbers say otherwise and even health officials are investigating whether there have been 2,296 deaths from the coronavirus that have not been counted as such, for Bolsonaro, the country is experiencing the “end of the pandemic”.

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“We are obligated to act, and we are acting now,” said Merkel, detailing the new restrictions due to the increase in infections and deaths from Covid-19. There will be no New Years meetings and they recommend having a home office.


In just 24 hours, the Ministry of Health has detected other 43,900 Covid-19 infections and a total of 6,880,127 people have suffered from the disease in Brazil, one of the countries most affected by the pandemic.

Who will get vaccinated first

So far, the government has revealed its vaccination plan against the coronavirus: predicts deliver 108.3 million doses to over 51 million Brazilians divided into four priority groups. But he wasn’t sure when it will start

The first group includes health workers, people over 75 and the indigenous population of legal age.

A second group will be made up of those over 60, a third of those over 18 belonging to groups at risk with previous pathologies and a fourth group made up of teachers, security forces and employees of the prison system.


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