Coronavirus: Xi Jinping banned doctors in Wuhan from talking about start of pandemic


Xi Jinping during a speech in October.  (Photo: AP / Xinhua / Zhang Ling).

Xi Jinping during a speech in October. (Photo: AP / Xinhua / Zhang Ling).

Chinese authorities are trying gag the doctors who intervened at the initial stage of the coronavirus pandemic, when the epidemic broke out in Wuhan, so that they did not collaborate with the mission of the World Health Organization (WHO) which will try to determine how Sars was born -CoV-2.

According to the Japanese news agency Kyodo, Xi Jinping’s government “warned doctors who responded to the novel coronavirus at the start of the epidemic in Wuhan, that could be punished for espionage if they revealed what happened during the period ”.

“Medical workers in the central city of China were also urged not to talk about the situation at all at this time,” they added.

A Wuhan doctor said health officials told him he would be punished by law if he disclosed his experience, and if he was charged with espionage he could be impose the death penalty“Said the Japanese agency.

The Communist regime appears determined to maintain the same position it took at the start of the pandemic, when persecuted Wuhan doctors who tried to sound the alarm. Such was the case with the doctor Li Wenliang, who was silenced by the authorities when he tried to warn his colleagues and then the public of the epidemic. He eventually died after being infected in February.

Li Wenliang, in one of the videos he recorded while in hospital (Photo: Weibo capture).
Li Wenliang, in one of the videos he recorded while in hospital (Photo: Weibo capture).

Wenliang had detected seven cases of the virus in December that reminded him of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak and sent a message to his colleagues recommending that they wear protective clothing to avoid becoming infected. But local authorities persuaded him to change his position. same they sent him the local police, which forced him to sign a letter accusing him of making “false comments” about the virus.

The doctor told his story via the Weibo social network from the hospital bed where he was admitted after being infected. Authorities later apologized for discrediting him.

How the pandemic continues

Europe, with 17.1 million confirmed cases (about 388,000 deaths), it is the region which currently records the most positive diagnoses, although its progression is slowing.

In the past seven days, 1.7 million new cases were recorded in the 52 countries of the European region, 10% fewer than the previous week.

United States is in full third wave of covid-19. It has 13 million confirmed cases in total (more than 260,000 deaths), more than a fifth of all recorded cases worldwide. In one week, the number of positives increased by 11% (over 1.2 million cases) compared to the previous one (1.1 million).

After Europe and the United States and Canada (together it has over 13 million infections detected, 272,183 deaths), come Latin America and the Caribbean (12.6 million, 438,098), and Asia (12.1 million, 190,108).

Then there is Middle East (3.2 million cases, 75,700 deaths), Africa (2.1 million, 50,422) and Oceania (over 30,000 cases, 941 deaths).

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