Correísmo would be closer and closer to winning the …


Less than two months before the presidential elections in Ecuador, a investigation published by the Latin American Strategic Center for Geopolitics (Celag) gives you a triumphs by great difference to the candidate of Correísmo, Andrés Arauz. The young economist leads electoral preferences with 36.5% of voting intention, followed by businessman Álvaro Noboa with 22.9% and Yaku Pérez, candidate of the Packakutik indigenous party with 21.2%, while native Guayaquil banker Guillermo Lasso is around 13.6%.

For her part, Ximena Peña, candidate for the list approved by President Lenín Moreno, has a voting intention of only 1.2%. The data broadly agrees with the latest polls, although a high number of undecided voters is expected. The preferred candidate of Ecuadorian voters needs more than 40% of the vote and a 10% advantage over the runner-up to win in the first round, a scenario which so far does not seem certain for Arauz.

Celag’s study, based on three thousand face-to-face interviews conducted across the country, It also highlights the perceptions of citizens regarding the political and economic situation in Ecuador.. The majority of those questioned have serious employment and debt problems to overcome the crisis. In this context, Arauz offers a strong monetary injection to lift the troubled Ecuadorian market.

When asked for an overall assessment of the performance of the previous government, 47% of those polled consider Rafael Correa’s management as President of Ecuador to be good. While 35% considered it fair and the remaining 14% bad. Regarding daily life, crime and the sale and consumption of drugs are the two themes that lead the mentions around the main problems that Ecuadorians identify at the neighborhood level.

Asked about the objectives to be achieved in the near future, 45 percent of those surveyed cited the desire to be able to write off their debts as a first or second option. These data show the impact of the economic crisis in the country and are linked to the level of indebtedness of the population surveyed by Celag in July 2020. At that time, 48% said they had to resort to loans to cover your expenses.

The correista candidate for the 2021 elections, Andrés Arauz, echoed the difficulties that the Ecuadorian people are going through and proposed to recover “the family economy” last Monday during a ceremony with activists. Arauz pledged to “give a thousand dollars to a million families in the first week” of his government against the “negligence that has been suffered during this pandemic”. The Union for Hope Front (UNES) candidate also mentioned that intends to create “800,000 jobs in the first three years of government”.

Arauz, who just had his candidacy validated last week, is part of the journalist Carlos Rabascall one of the sixteen pairs approved so far who will compete for the country’s presidency and vice-presidency on February 7, in an election that current president Lenín Moreno is not attending.


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