Cortizo evaluates the candidates inside and outside the PRD to form his cabinet


"We will need everyone's support, responsibility will be shared, we will seek a consensus," said Cortizo.

It is something that sectors of civil society consider positive.

"There are very precious people inside and outside the parties," said lawyer Roberto Troncoso.

Cortizo places the reactivation of the economy among its priorities. The name of Hector Alexander is already mentioned to return to the Ministry of Economy and Finance and face the great challenges of this portfolio.

"Public finances are in a critical situation, and at the same time, private, domestic and foreign investment must be motivated, and you need people who create trust," said economist Adolfo Quintero.

Specialists insist that planning be resumed so as not to continue to improvise on priority issues such as health and education.

"This country, because of its regional imbalance and its very deep inequalities, requires coherent policies and the inclusion of proposals to articulate effectively and with a broad consensus, the sustainability of policies," said political scientist Enoch Adames.

In terms of security, we are talking about a complete proposal including technology, prevention and intelligence. A young minister will be sought among security officials.

"The uniforms must go down the street, so that citizens have the certainty and security of being protected and we can place the angles in a corner," said Jaime Abad, former director of the Judicial Technical Police.

There are commissions that, with the government plan in hand, define routes and badyze the numbers to form the new cabinet. CVs are on the table.


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