"El impulso del sector agrícola a las exportaciones argentinas será menor al esperado", sostuvo have an informa Fundación Capital that will lider Martín Redrado. For the most part of the world, exports will increase by US $ 24,000 in 2019. More than any other country, the contribution of soybeans will be 8.9% of December, with the inclusion of the highest prices in the world. in the primeros días de mayo ".
Así, el "oro verde" tuvo a valor average of U $ S 301 por tonelada (Chicago) durante mayo. "Varios factores incidieron en esta disminución, destacándose el incremento de la oferta global, the propagation of the porcine fiabre in China y las tensiones comerciales between Estados Unidos y el Gigante Asiático", dijeron in Fundación Capital. Asimismo, el precio del trigo cayó 15,7% mientras that the maíz has sacó más barato: achicó sólo 4.3% ofdediciembre.
Ayer, in the Bolsa de Cereales of Rosario, the soy was negotiated to $ 9,900 (US $ 218,9) por tonelada, algo por incima of the $ 9,650 of the hábil previa jornada.
Hacia adelante, dice el informo, las perspectivas no his muy halagüeñas. Cuanto menos, for soya. "Para lo that remained from 2019 the precios of soya podrían ubicarse por encima of the actual valores, aunque por debajo de los U $ S 342 por tonelada del promedio de 2018 (…) In lo que respecta al trigo, las primeras proyecciones de The survey of 2019/20 USDA indican that the ratio of global stock in relación al consumo aumentaría has 38,6%, alcanzando niveles record. The cost of this cereal is increased by the level of the capital of April, per cent of the total amount of fine wine sold. For example, in the last few months, the contribution of maize has been increasing in torno to the value of the currency, a value similar to that of 2018, which is expected to continue in the summer, "said Dicen.
In resumen, afirman: "Although the campaña 2018/19 will be characterized by the volume of production, ante los menores precios de la oleaginosa y sus subproductos, it is estimated that the exports of the agricultural sector rounded up the $ 24,000 million (+ 16.8%). As a result, more than any other projects in the region were scheduled for the first time in 2013 (US $ 25,480 million), which is expected to increase production in the near future. It is worth noting that, in the case of the addition of soybeans in the least months of the year, the exports of complejo have increased to a level of US $ 23,000 million, concluyen.
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