"Cotorra loco" fell, accused of firing on his former partner | Chronic


47-year-old man nicknamed "Crazy parrot", who was the subject of a request for international capture and escaped from prison in Uruguay, a country that had been convicted of several theft in 2005, was arrested in the last few hours when he arrived in a house in Lomas de Zamora. He was also wanted for killing a former couple on July 28 in Virrey del Pino.

In Uruguay, they ensure that Julio Walter Guillén Bustamante He directed a millionaire attacking author band. He is credited with several deaths, riots and spectacular leaks.

The investigation and detention, which took place in a coordinated manner between the police of the province of Buenos Aires and the Interpol staff of the Argentine Federal Police, took place yesterday in a house on the street Bologna at 21 hours, in the district of Villa Albertina, of the quoted city of the south of the Conurbano.

Some items were diverted during the operation.

"We knew he was going home regularly because of a well-known woman.We were watching him next to Interpol, with different technological elements, until he got there." can be caught "said one of the researchers.

"When we stopped him, he gave a false identity, but then we were able to determine who he was", explained, meanwhile, another of the police chiefs who intervened in the operation. "Periodically, he changed his face so as not to be caught"he said.

The subject, who has been calling for international capture for years, has been convicted of several robberies in Uruguay and a prison sentence.

According to Uruguayan chronicles, this subject reportedly escaped Libertad prison, near a dangerous Israeli narco, captured years later in Rio de Janeiro.

According to the information available to him, he allegedly seized a removed 9mm Browning pistol, magazines of the same caliber, 9mm cartridges, a glove, a knife and several seals.

At the same time, "Cotorra Loca" is suspected of having shot a leg of a 32-year-old woman with whom she had a romantic relationship in a house located in Virrey del Pino.

"This fact of gender violence triggered this investigation that managed to identify and stop it"said another spokesman consulted.

The UFI N ° 2 specialized in Gender Violence of the Judicial Department of La Matanza intervenes in this fact.


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