Could the Mu variant surpass the Delta variant in Argentina?


The national government’s strategy to halt the advance of Delta variant and the death toll in Argentina is moving forward with agility with the campaign of vaccination in order to generate the immunity of the majority of the population, by maintaining the closure and restrictions at the borders. The concern of the officials of the Ministry of Health of the Nation relates to the circulation of Delta variant and the appearance in Colombia of a new variant called Mu, that it would be resistant to vaccines.

Members of the group of infectious scientists advising the national government claimed that the vaccination of the population is essential to prevent the advance of Delta variant and the other variants present in Argentina and around the world. According to the Public Vaccination Monitor, to date 43,221,929 vaccine doses have been applied, of which 28,100,621 are the first doses and 15,121,308 people have completed their immunization schedule receiving both doses.

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