Country risk soaring and approaching 1,000 points for the Mexican-American struggle and the domestic political thread


But Political movements also influence the presidential elections of October, They told the operators

In this context, dollar-denominated bonds suffered widespread losses of up to 1.2%.

The index measured by JP.Morgan Bank jumped 42 units to 984 basis points, its maximum level in five weeks. While the S & P Merval index of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange rose 0.1%.

"In addition to the unfavorable external climate, the reading of a greater unification of Peronism has an influence", commented on an badyst before a consultation of

Yesterday, the leader of the Rénovateur Front, Sergio Mbada, called on the opposition to "give up vanity" and work together to form a "new majority" able to defeat Cambiemos this year, by closing the national congress of his party . allowed him to negotiate with the Kirchner in the elections.

Trump's tariff threat in Mexico

Global markets have fallen dramatically out of fear that the surprising price threat from the US President, Donald TrumpMexico could lead the world's largest economy to recession.

To integrate

Hard to believe that with the crisis at the border, the Dems will not be a quick and easy solution. I would like to solve the problem but they want open borders, which equates to a crime!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2019

Trump said Thursday that his country would impose a 5% tariff on all goods from Mexico starting June 10, until the flow of undocumented immigrants stops. on the border between the two countries.

To integrate

Mexico has benefited the United States for decades. Because of the Dems, our immigration laws are ADB. Mexico is a FORTUNE of the United States, which for decades can easily solve this problem. It's time they finally do what needs to be done!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2019

"Tariffs will gradually increase until the problem of illegal immigration is resolved, at which point tariffs will be removed," Trump wrote on his Twitter account.

In a statement released by the White House, Trump said the rates would rise from 10 percent on July 1 to 15 percent on August 1, to 20 percent on Sept. 1, to reach 25 percent on Oct. 1.

To integrate

In order not to pay the tariffs, if they start to grow, companies will leave Mexico, which represents 30% of our auto industry, and return home to the United States. Mexico must take back its country to the lords and cartels of the drug. The tariff is aimed at stopping the drugs as well as the illegals!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2019

"Mexico's pbadive cooperation to allow this mbadive incursion is an emergency and an extraordinary threat to the national security and economy of the United States," Trump said in his statement.

To integrate

90% of drugs entering the United States pbad through Mexico and our southern border. 80,000 people died last year, 1,000,000 are ruined. This has been going on for many years and nothing has been done about it. We have a $ 100 billion trade deficit with Mexico. It's time!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2019

"Mexico has very strict immigration laws and could easily end the illegal flow of migrants, including sending them back to their country of origin," he added.

On the other hand, China announced the creation of a "list of unreliable entities" which "seriously undermine the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises", in what is interpreted as a new chapter of the trade war with the United States.


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