Couple of doctors postponed marriage to treat coronavirus patients, groom was infected and struggling to recover


A couple of doctors at Ecuador He decided postpone your wedding to welcome your work: management of critically ill patients coronavirus to the hospital. In the same place the groom was about to lose his life because of the virus.

David Vallejo Yes Mavelin bonille they arranged their marriage for him May 23, 2020, but that day they were both on duty at the hospital IESS Quito South, specializing in the care of patients with coronavirus.

The image the couple went viral to notify they were going to suspend their marriage. (Photo: AP)

Therefore, to inform the guests, on their social networks they posted a photo in which the two are seen dressed in safety suits and holding a sign that said “Today was our wedding day, but rather … “.

“That day, Mavelin was very sad because it was really like a dream that, I don’t know if all the girls, but at least I had the dream of leave my house in white, being married to David. It was nostalgia, ” the 26-year-old doctor said.

The health situation in Ecuador was worsening. At that point, David, 28, had become the ‘oldest’ of the residents and the most seriously ill were left to care for while the waiting list for intensive care beds. it grew very quickly.

“These are months in which the patients died a lot and it was difficult. I came home crying“Because I had to call relatives to let them know,” David said.

Most of their fellow doctors, young like them, caught the virus, but none suffered complications. To his surprise, in mid-January the couple got infected: both had symptoms such as fever and stomach discomfort, but while mavelin he recovered David’s status deteriorated rapidly.

When David went to the hospital, he was informed that would be intubated. It was there that he asked for a pen and in a cookbook he wrote: “I am Doc David, I have a burning desire to live life, to make my dreams come true, like marriage to Mavelin, start a family together and travel to Spain to study a specialty ”.

“Keep your sepsis and your antisepsis, wash your hands. I am very grateful for the efforts of my colleagues, ”he added.

At the end of January, one of the doctors told Mavelin that “David was very sick and he only had one. 10% chance of survival”.

At 17 days he was released from sedation, but soon after he was infected with bacteria contracted in the hospital which again put him on the verge of death. The hospitalization process had a total duration of 30 days, but the consequences lasted for some time.

David only had a 10% chance of survival after catching the virus. (Photo: AP)

So David ended up with facial paralysis due to the position he was being held in. “No strength in the muscles from being still for so long. I couldn’t even move my hand and communication with my girlfriend was limited to minimal movements with my eyes and eyelashes, ”the man commented.

“I had to learn to speak again with therapy, learning to walk, to do everything, ”added David, who is still in occupational therapy. After this hard experience, the couple awaits the Civil register give you a date for your long awaited wedding end of June.

“I used to think that you should always value the little things, the little moments of sharing. Now, much more … walking around with your hand in your hand is a great time for meDavid concluded.


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