Court authorized Cristina Kirchner to visit Cuba to visit Florence – 16/04/2019


The Federal Court of Justice 5 on Tuesday allowed Cristina Kirchner to travel to Cuba to visit her daughter Florencia, who is under medical treatment. These are the judges responsible for the case "Los Sauces", in which the prosecutor, Diego Velasco, had pronounced in favor of the authorization of the transfer.

The former president has requested permission to travel to Cuba, where her daughter is undergoing medical treatment, between April 20 and 30.

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In any case, the situation of the senator of Citizen Unity is not yet defined, because if at least one of the jurisdictions that knows the case against the former president denies her permission, she can not travel.

Although Cristina is not banned from leaving the country, she has an obligation to notify judges and courts that have to prosecute her when she intends to do so, if l & # 39; one of them opposes it. On the attorney weigh eleven lawsuits, five applications for pre-trial detention and five cases for oral proceedings. The issuance of permits is therefore generous.

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Last Friday, the federal prosecutor Diego Luciani, who intervenes in the case for the presumed direction of work on the public highway of Santa Cruz (TOF 2), He opposed the trip to Cristina. The argument was that the date of the trip mentioned by the national senator "is very close" to that scheduled for the beginning of the oral and public trial scheduled for May 21.

Last March, the same prosecutor had ruled in favor of the authorization of the former president in his first order to travel because there was still two months to start the trialbut this time he changed his mind, the sources said.

In this context, the decision of the judges of the Federal Oral Court 8 that will organize (Hotesur) and Judge Claudio Bonadio, who accuses the former president in the case of the notebooks and their records, is expected.

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Florencia Kirchner is in Havana, badisted by the Center for Medical and Surgical Research of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cuba (CIMEQ).

According to the medical certificate issued by this entity and submitted to the Argentine justice, Cristina's daughter suffers: "from a (definitive) main diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder, indicating as other diagnoses what following: study purpuric syndrome; demyelinating sensory polyneuropathy of unknown etiology; study amenorrhea; low body weight and mild limb lymphoedema of undefined etiology ".

In this sense, the heads of the forensic body will have to answer the request of the members of the TOF 5 so that badyze medical history and studies that the lawyer of the daughter of the former president appeared before this court last week, with the aim of allowing Florencia to stay in the Caribbean until she receive the medical discharge.



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