Court has allowed Cristina Kirchner to visit Cuba to visit her daughter | Chronic


The Federal Oral Court 5, in charge of the "Los Sauces" case, authorized Cristina Fernández de Kirchner make a second trip to Cuba between April 20 and April 30 to visit his daughter Florence, Who stays there under medical treatment. However, the definition of two others remains: TOF 2 and TOF 8.

The court that authorized the departure follows the cause in which the current national senator is treated with her children Maximum and Florence. However, this oral debate does not have a start date yet. In fact, there is conflict of jurisdiction pending a resolution in Room I of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cbadation, to determine whether or not the case changes oral jurisdiction.

To resolve a new exit from the country, Cristina still needs to get permission from the Federal Oral Court 2, which set the date of the start of May 21 next to what will be the first oral trial against her, for the first time. 39, the supposed address of the public work in favor of Lázaro Báez in Santa Cruz. The prosecutor before this court, Diego Luciani, refused to grant permission near the beginning of the oral trial and now the decision is expected.

Another pending authorization is that of the Federal Oral Court 8, which is in charge of the Hotesur case, also with no trial start date. The charge before this Court has decided to grant leave.


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