Covax Confirmed Payment for Nicolás Maduro’s Plan and Next Shipment of COVID-19 Vaccines to Venezuela


Nicolás Maduro's regime in Venezuela has made payments for the Covax mechanism and will receive doses of COVID-19 vaccines (REUTERS / Tiksa Negeri)
Nicolás Maduro’s regime in Venezuela has made payments for the Covax mechanism and will receive doses of COVID-19 vaccines (REUTERS / Tiksa Negeri)

The Nicolás Maduro regime in Venezuela made the payments corresponding to the Covax mechanism Yes will receive doses of COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they are available, he confirmed this Friday to the press agency AFP spokesperson for Gavi Vaccination Alliance.

Venezuela recently joined Covax and honored its financial commitmentsSaid this source from Gavi, who, along with the World Health Organization (WHO), created the Covax mechanism for the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in low-income countries.

We hope to deliver the doses for Venezuela as soon as we have the availability of the vaccines that the country has chosen.“Added this source, without giving more details.

Sunday, the dictator of Venezuela, Nicolas maduro, issued an ultimatum to Covax. “Either they send us the vaccines or they give us the money back“, He said.

Nicolás Maduro (REUTERS / Manaure Quintero / Archives)
Nicolás Maduro (REUTERS / Manaure Quintero / Archives)

Maduro assured that the country had made all pending payments “do magic to unlock resources“, but what had not received any vaccine until.

The Covax system failed in Venezuela“, Decided the head of state.

Venezuela has been hit by financial sanctions that hamper its access to the international financial system.

The country, with 30 million people, has recorded more than 276,000 cases of COVID-19 and around 3,200 deaths, according to official figures, interviewed by organizations like Human Rights Watch, who consider the real toll to be much more. Student.

Vaccination process progressing slowly in Venezuela. According to Maduro, 11% of the population has been vaccinated, although The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), a regional office of the WHO, says only about 224,000 people received the two doses of the Russian vaccine Sputnik-V and the Chinese vaccine Sinopharm, those that are available in the country.

(With information from AFP)


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