Covenant with Iran: Héctor Timerman Anticipated his Embarrassment Because of Health Problems


In the trial for signing the memorandum with Iran, former Foreign Minister Hector Timerman announced his statement on Friday, July 13, for health reasons, as confirmed in near the former official.

The ex-foreign minister had requested to make a statement of investigation at his home before the start of the trial in the case where he is charged with the Former president Cristina Kirchner. The court headed by María Gabriela López Iñiguez, Juan Michilini and Jorge Tasara accepted the application and will listen to the former official at 9:30 by videoconference.

Timerman was released and allowed to travel to the United States to continue treatment for cancer, even though it is already in Buenos Aires. Cristina, former legal and technical secretary Carlos Zannini, are also involved with him; Jorge Khalil, supposed representative of the Iranians in Argentina; the alleged spy Ramón Bogado; the leader of Quebracho Fernando Esteche; the chef Luis D & # 39; Elía; former Vice Chancellor Eduardo Zuain; the former head of AFI Oscar Parrilli; his second then Juan Martin Mena; the former Treasurer of the National Treasury Angelina Abbona and the national deputy Andrés "Cuervo" Larroque

The cause of the Memorandum with Iran began on January 14, 2015 when Alberto Nisman denounced a so-called camouflage and a "pact with the terrorists" in the investigation of the bombing of the AMIA. Four days later, the special prosecutor was found dead with a bullet in the head in the apartment where he lived in Puerto Madero.

The charge was dismissed twice by federal judge Daniel Rafecas, who was eventually deported. pair Ariel Lijo. Then came to Claudio Bonadio for a related file that he had for "treason to the homeland" by signing the memorandum with Iran.

"The accused were accused of having participated in a criminal maneuver that would achieve the impunity of citizens of Iranian nationality accused of being responsible for the Attack on July 18, 1994 against the headquarters of the Argentine Jewish mutual badociation, "said Mr. Bonadio, who brought the case to court. of the Federal Federal Court 8.

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