COVID-19 and the new cold war of the United States against Russia and China


The presidency of Joe biden It will surely bring in the medium term a new discourse for Latin America and the Caribbean different from that which Donald trump and its Republican officials. In any case, in general, the Democratic and Republican parties consider that our region is their “natural” sphere of intervention and influence of the famous Monroe doctrine which said “America for Americans”.

The United States, as a hegemonic power, always looks out for its interests all over the planet and Russia and the People’s Republic of China have been seen as a threat to their White House supremacy for years. What is new now is that this “threat” has reached what they call the Western Hemisphere; “His” hemisphere.

Senior US officials visiting Latin America and the Caribbean in recent years are openly expressing concern over the Russian and Chinese presence in a tone reminiscent of the so-called “cold war.” The pandemic added a new concern, which they now define as “health diplomacy” promoted by Russia, China and Cuba. This is clear from the last report submitted by Craig faller, head of the Southern Command, in front of the Senate. With absolute transparency, Faller declares that for humanitarian and strategic reasons US must take lead to vaccinate the Americas as Russia, China, Cuba seek to shift influence from Washington sending vaccines and medical supplies of all kinds. “If we don’t vaccinate the Americas, Washington will lose its status as a major regional partner,” he said. In addition, in his presentation to the Senate, he spoke of “threats” and challenges to national security, a mantra that in Washington is still used to justify intervention, whether in Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan or Afghanistan. China Sea.

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Faller and those who conceive of American foreign policy often use diplomatic language during their visits. But before the Senate, Faller stated bluntly that the hemisphere “is under attack by violent criminal and transnational organizations, as well as by China and Russia.”. In addition, China weakens democratic institutions in the region and has “predatory” fishing practices, while Cuba is a “perverse” actor with a “corrosive” influence. In Washington’s vision, the three countries are using the pandemic to gain influence through health diplomacy, offering money for medical infrastructure and disinformation campaigns.

Reality haunts those who must design the North American strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean because Faced with the worst health crisis in 100 years, the United States has so far been unable to help the region. This is why voices are being raised to “vaccinate the Americas” to regain regional leadership. The world’s largest power has the resources, right-wing like-minded governments and powerful media that will be happy to help regain the initiative.

In this chess game, Russia, China and Cuba move their pieces. But like chess, a good game can last a long time. For now, the United States is thinking. We’ll have to see how he moves his pieces.

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