Covid-19: Bill Gates celebrated arrival of vaccines and predicted when he will return to “normal”


The American magnate and philanthropist Bill Gates has celebrated in recent days the imminent arrival of the various vaccines against the coronavirus and has predicted that by mid-2021 his country and the rest of the world will be able to return to “normalcy”, but specified that this will only be possible if there is global cooperation in dose distribution.

In an interview with NBC Today, Gates said he wouldn’t hesitate to get the coronavirus shot, saying, “I think almost any vaccine is going to be a hit. It is good science, good industrial manufacture and good cooperation even between institutions in various countries.

Gates spoke about the health situation in the United States and called on people to increase care in the coming months, where cases are expected to grow exponentially.

“The truth is, December, January and February are going to be tough times. I think these will be the most difficult months in the history of public health in the United States, ”he risked asking the population to wear masks and to respect social distancing.

For Gates, the vaccine is the only solution against the pandemic. In this sense, he recalled the success of vaccination campaigns against malaria, Ebola and polio in Africa and Asia, projects to which he contributed through his foundation.

“In this war, we are all together,” he said.


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