Covid-19: Delta variant progresses and cases increase again around the world | WHO warns of danger in countries lifting sanitary measures


After two months of decline, coronavirus cases around the world increased last week compared to the previous one, while the Delta variant it spans almost a hundred countries and there are epidemics in Russia, UK, Brazil and African countries.

According to the epidemiological report published this Wednesday by the World Health Organization (WHO), from June 21 to 27, 2.6 million cases, 2% more than the previous seven days.

Countries and regions with the most cases

Three of the five countries with the most cases last week globally were Latin Americans: Brazil, Colombia and Argentina, although in the first two the curve of new infections continues to increase, infections in Argentina have decreased by 11%.

The drop in local cases had already been reported by Health Minister Carla Vizzotti during a press conference she gave last week.

Russia, who is suffering from a new wave of coronavirus, is already the fourth country in the world with the most weekly infections, with 134,000 in the seven days studied and an increase of 24 percent from the previous week.

By region, South and East Asia recorded moderate declines of around 6 percent last week, and the Americas fell 1 percent, while the increase remains rapid in Africa (34 percent cent more than the previous week) and accelerates again in Europe (10% more) and the Middle East (13% more).

Coronavirus death, in exchange, they continue in a downward trend. According to the WHO report, there has been a sustained decline for two months and last week there were 57,600 deaths, which represents a 10 percent decrease compared to the previous seven days.

However, the situation in Africa remains worrying: deaths increased by 44% last week, although in absolute terms, they represent less than 5% of deaths worldwide (2,700 in the seven days studied).

WHO warning

The Delta variant, detected for the first time in India and the one of most concern at present due to its greater ease of transmission, is present according to the report in 96 countries (11 more than in the previous report).

WHO warned in the document that lifting of preventive health measures in many countries it produces an increase in mobility and socialization which “This may provide opportunities for the virus to spread if there is not adequate planning and risk assessment”.

The international body also noted that the inequality in vaccine distribution – 2,650 million have already been administered – makes the situation difficult as there are new waves of coronavirus in different countries and many still have low vaccination rates.


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