Covid-19: FFP3 chinstrap can offer 100% protection | According to researchers at the University of Cambridge


Researchers at the University of Cambridge have recommended a new type of face mask as the safest to avoid possible contagion of covid-19. They did so after observing how contagion fell among healthcare workers who have been working on the front lines to treat infected patients since they started using this new mask.

it’s about the mask says FFP3, which can provide 100 percent protection, according to researchers at this house of study.

After noting that the rate of infections among doctors who treated patients with covid remained high despite protective measures, authorities at Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) decided to change respiratory protective equipment and switch from FRSMs, fluid resistant surgical masks, to FFP3 masks.

The peculiarity of the latter is that once in place, they provide an airtight seal around the nose and mouth, to prevent airborne infections from being inhaled and exhaled.

The change of chinstrap had an impact on the number of infected doctors. “Once the FFP3 masks have been introduced, the number of cases attributed to exposure in covid rooms has been drastically reduced “explained Chris Illingworth of the MRC Biostatistics Unit at Cambridge University.

“Based on the data collected during the second wave of the pandemic, we have developed a mathematical model to analyze the risks faced by staff treating COVID patients on a daily basis. This showed us the huge effect that using better personal protective equipment could have in reducing the risks to health workers, ”said Mark Ferris of the University of Cambridge’s Occupational Health Service, the one of the study’s authors.


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