COVID-19 in Mexico: Ministry of Health confirmed sustained recovery in infections


Paramedics transport a patient on a stretcher affected by Covid-19 from the General Hospital to a private hospital in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua state.  EFE / Luis Torres / Archives
Paramedics transport a patient on a stretcher affected by Covid-19 from the General Hospital to a private hospital in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua state. EFE / Luis Torres / Archives

Over the past week active cases have increased in Mexico and the rise is expected to continue over the following weeks, since since Friday 4 thousand 430 confirmed active cases (with transmission capacity) have increased.

The above meant a total of 57 thousand 353, on top of that, there are already 13 states that have over a thousand active cases.

According to data from the Health Secretary, the states with more than a thousand infections are:

-Mexico City

-The state of Mexico

-Baja Southern California



Quintana roo



-New Lion


Now they are added Tamaulipas, Sonora and Guerrero, which in total, concentrate the 87% of the active epidemic in the country.

According to the pandemic report update, the Ministry of Health, warned that the estimated number of active cases stood at 61,000,566, which represents 2.2% of the total cases reported to date.

MEXICO, FEBRUARY 01, 2021.- Hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the country's capital have entered their eighth consecutive period of stability according to data released by health authorities, who also indicated that of the 9,851 admitted during this week , a total of 2349 need a fan.  On the other hand, the death figures from this disease continue to rise, 320 people have died from the Coronavirus in the last 24 hours.  At the hospital de los Venados, dozens of people wait outside the hospital for information about their patients who are hospitalized because of the virus.  PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM
MEXICO, FEBRUARY 01, 2021.- Hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the country’s capital have entered their eighth consecutive period of stability according to data released by health authorities, who also indicated that of the 9,851 admitted during this week , a total of 2349 need a fan. On the other hand, the death figures from this disease continue to rise, 320 people have died from the Coronavirus in the last 24 hours. At the hospital de los Venados, dozens of people wait outside the hospital for information about their patients who are hospitalized because of the virus. PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Also epidemiological week 25 (June 20-26) closed with a 29% increase in estimated cases, compared to the previous week (June 13-19), confirming, once again, an upward trend.

Third wave of COVID-19 in Mexico

The Ministry of Health reported that as of July 10, there was already 234,907 deaths confirmed in Mexico by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) as good as 2,586,721 accumulated cases. In other words, in the last 24 hours there has been 232 dead Yes 9,581 new infections.

The agency also pointed out that Mexico City and the State of Mexico are the entities with the highest number of active cases Estimates (with the start date of the last 14 days by the positivity index, by entity and epidemiological week). On a national level 61,566 infections of this type are calculated.

MEXICO, FEBRUARY 01, 2021.- Hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the country's capital have entered their eighth consecutive period of stability according to data released by health authorities, who also indicated that of the 9,851 admitted during this week , a total of 2349 need a fan.  On the other hand, the death figures from this disease continue to rise, 320 people have died from the Coronavirus in the last 24 hours.  At the hospital de los Venados, dozens of people wait outside the hospital for information about their patients who are hospitalized because of the virus.  PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM
MEXICO, FEBRUARY 01, 2021.- Hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the country’s capital have entered their eighth consecutive stability according to data released by health authorities, which also indicated that of the 9,851 admitted during this week, a total of 2349 need a fan. On the other hand, the death figures from this disease continue to rise, 320 people have died from the Coronavirus in the last 24 hours. At the hospital de los Venados, dozens of people wait outside the hospital for information about their patients who are hospitalized because of the virus. PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

In addition, there are over thousands of suspicious deaths this could add up to the total in the next few hours. They also counted the patients 2,041,418 recovered. Thus, the incidence rate of cumulative cases is 1998.2 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Advance in vaccination

Thursday, July 9, 499,775 doses of the antigen against the SARS-CoV-2 virus were injected. In sum, 50 million 362 thousand 218 vaccines were applied throughout the country.


I know 58,069 (0.2%) missed doses who arrived in Mexico. These losses are also taken into account by the vaccination schedule, because before the pandemic this phenomenon was recorded due to complications related to their transfer.

This Saturday, a shipment arrived with a million packaged COVID-19 vaccines from the laboratory Sinovac, with which Mexico adds six million 46 thousand 390 biologics received this week alone from four different pharmaceutical companies: Pfizer-BioNTech, Cansino Biologics, AstraZeneca and Sinovac.

Likewise, Mexico received 55 million 642 thousand 425 packaged vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Gamaleya, CanSino Biologics and Johnson & Johnson Janssen.

A woman receives the first dose of the covid-19 vaccine during an immunization session for adults aged 30 to 39 today at the José Vasconcelos Library in Mexico City, Mexico.  EFE / Sashenka Gutiérrez
A woman receives the first dose of the covid-19 vaccine during an immunization session for adults aged 30 to 39 today at the José Vasconcelos Library in Mexico City, Mexico. EFE / Sashenka Gutiérrez

In accordance with the vaccination program that is maintained in various parts of the country against COVID-19, Eduardo Clark García, director general of the digital government of the Digital Agency for Public Innovation (ADIP), announced the new municipalities to apply the first dose to adults aged 30 to 39.

Through a press videoconference, he announced that during this 20th stage of vaccination it is planned to inoculate 328,306 adults in this age group.

Therefore, citizens aged 30 and over, who need to prepare, will need to reside within the boundaries of Iztapalapa and Iztacalco.


Coronavirus in Mexico on July 10: in 24 hours there were 232 deaths and 9,581 new infections
Vaccination from 30 to 39 years in CDMX: Iztapalapa and Iztacalco will apply the doses of AstraZeneca from Tuesday
CDMX government projections anticipate a new “drastic scenario” of COVID-19 in August

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