Covid-19: in which countries is the tap no longer mandatory …


The use of mandatory mask As protection against the coronavirus, it is starting to increase in countries that have successfully vaccinated a large part of their population, as is the case with Israel, which was the first to eliminate its use in open spaces on the 18th. April.


Spain has announced that from Saturday June 26 it will be possible to be outside without masks, although it is mandatory to use them if the safety distance cannot be maintained, such as in confined spaces.

France on June 17, he lifted the obligation abroad, except when a distance of two meters cannot be guaranteed. Its use is still compulsory in all public buildings and in transport.

Greece will eliminate from this Thursday the use of face masks outside and from the next 28, it will be Italy, where they will continue to be used indoors.

the UK maintains the exemption for outdoor use, although it recommends continuing to wear a mask when the safety distance cannot be maintained. It is always compulsory in closed places and on public transport.

At Germany, federal states generally require them indoors, in commerce and on public transportation. However, in some cities its use is still in effect in some busy streets, squares or parks.

Poland It requires the use of a mask in closed places, public transport, shops, entertainment venues, schools, churches, healthcare facilities, courts and workplaces if the room is shared with others. other people.

At Denmark Its use in shops and public transport has remained in effect since August of last year, but it removed this rule two weeks ago, although it is maintained for passengers who use public transport during normal hours. point.

So many Norway What Finland they only recommend its use and force it inside.

Yes Sweden He recommended at the end of last December that they be used in public transport, which is mandatory in Iceland, where they are also necessary when one cannot keep one meter apart.

Wearing a mask in the street is no longer compulsory in some Belgian cities, such as Brussels since June 9, except in busy areas or on public transport.

Netherlands He never imposed them abroad and last December forced them inside. The measure will be lifted next Saturday if the distance of one and a half meters can be maintained, although it maintains its use in public transport and high schools.

At Austria the outdoors has never been necessary and until now the use of FFP2 masks has been mandatory in all enclosed public spaces or public transport. From July 1, it will suffice to use any type of mask.

At Hungary Abroad it is no longer compulsory, but it is in public transport, shops and other closed spaces. And in Romania They were no longer mandatory outdoors on May 15 and are still necessary in shops, public transport, cultural places and closed spaces.

Russia forces them to use them in public places and transport.

Asia and Oceania

At Thailand, it became mandatory in April 2020 in public transport and later in supermarkets and restaurants. After a new wave last April, he introduced the obligation on the streets and even inside vehicles.

Philippines not only declared compulsory, but also the face shield in public places, whether outdoors or indoors.

They are also mandatory in Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia. And the India requires in public spaces, even in private vehicles.

At Afghanistan and Pakistan Wearing a mask on public roads is also compulsory.

At Japan its use has never been compulsory.

South Korea it is also compulsory indoors and on public transport, as well as outdoors where mass events take place. As of July 1, those who have received at least one dose of the vaccine will be exempted from taking it abroad.

At Australia and New Zealand, use was mandatory in the event of an epidemic or as an emergency measure.


At Argentina The use of a chin strap or a mask is compulsory, as well as Chile, in all urban areas, public spaces, workplaces, transport and closed spaces.

At United States, Since May 13, people vaccinated can go outside without a mask and most indoors, with the exception of hospitals, planes and buses.

Brazil It has been mandatory since July of last year, although since mid-April some regional governments and mayors have already imposed its use.

Colombia recommends its use outdoors and made it compulsory in public transport and when there was a mass influx or it was not possible to maintain the safety distance, as well as Uruguay.

Panama It compels in public spaces, shops and public transport, as well as Costa Rica, which also does in meetings, workplaces and public places in general.

At Nicaragua It is optional in the streets and compulsory in shops and taxis.

At Guatemala, the use has become mandatory, as in Honduras and Peru. While in The Savior It is not mandatory.


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